Ndzodo Awono, M.A., DEA.

I was born in 1966, my school and university education did not run swiftly. After studying German at the University of Yaoundé I, where I defended two scientific papers, and after a few years of teaching at the University of Yaoundé I and in private institutions, I participated from March 2017 to February 2020 as a research assistant at the University of Hamburg and the Übersee Museum in the research project "Museum collections in the field of tension of the establishing colonial situation - the African collections of the Übersee Museum Bremen from the former colonies" led by both institutions. The project went hand in hand with the doctoral thesis. Until March 2021 I researched under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Zimmerer, the provenance of the Cameroon collection from the German colonial period in the Übersee-Museum Bremen. Since April 2021, I am a research assistant at the Institute of Ethnology of the Georg-August-University Göttingen in the project „Die neue Brisanz alter Objekte – Erschließung unbearbeiteter Konvolute in der Ethnologischen Sammlung der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen“.

Regional foci
West Africa or Cameroon, Togo.

Thematic foci
Health, research on the provenance of collections from German colonial contexts, material culture, societies of origin, memory culture with a focus on oral tradition.

Westafrika bzw. Kamerun, Togo.

August 2018-Januar 2019
Field research stay in Cameroon as part of the project "Koloniale Spuren im Übersee-Museum Bremen".