COMPASS: „Coordination on mobile pandemic apps best practice and solution sharing“
Partner: UMG, Universitätsmedizin Würzburg, Universitätsmedizin Mainz, Charité Berlin
Project duration: 09/2020 - 03/2021
Funding: Supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Methods: Qualitative Methods, Business Model Analysis
In the COVID 19 pandemic, the smartphone has established itself as the central means of communication to share health information quickly and reliably, even during measures such as lock-down and social distancing. Currently, many of these COVID-19 apps exist as stand-alone solutions, where neither the legal, regulatory nor technical possibilities exist to combine and use the data collected via these apps for COVID-19 related research.
The goal of COMPASS is to create the organizational and technical prerequisites to ensure that in the future mobile apps can be used as quickly and optimally as possible to cope with pandemics. In addition, it is aimed for to establish an open-source platform that coordinates and provides concrete methods and tools for pandemic apps.
Within this context, the DHRG will conduct an analysis of various business models to determine how the coordination platform can be operated in a long-term and sustainable manner. The focus will be on open source models and their possibilities and limitations. Finally, recommendations will be given for the choice of the business model in order to maximize the above mentioned parameters.
The current progress of the project as well as completed deliverables can be found on the project website: NUM COMPASS Website