Capital Markets and Valuation

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Olaf Korn

Cycle: See course schedule

ECTS-Information: 6 Credits

Expected prior knowledge: Introduction to Finance

Language: German

Assessment method: 90 minute written exam

Course structure: Lecture and tutorial

Course code: B.WIWI-BWL.0006

Contact Persons: Prof. Dr. Olaf Korn

Learning goals:

It is the goal of the course to convey an understanding of how capital markets and the valuation of financial instruments work. On the one hand, students will be familiarized with the characteristics and the analysis of different instruments, such as bonds, derivatives, and stocks. On the other hand, the fundamental economic principles that are essential for all methods of valuation are presented. At the end of the course students shall be able to analyze and value any financial instrument on their own. Furthermore, they shall develop an understanding for the application of those methods to the valuation of real investments.