> The "Georgia-Augusta-Dialog" is intended to provide information and facilitate a direct dialog within the university. In this way, we would like to inform you about news and ideas in an uncomplicated and timely manner and look forward to hearing your opinions. In addition to the discussion platform (see link below), there is also the opportunity for direct exchange at the public university events in the "Georgia-Augusta-Dialog live" series.
Georgia-Augusta-Dialog live
The next Georgia-Augusta-Dialog live: Quality before quantity - publication strategies, "publish or perish" and the current reform of research evaluation will take place on June 27, 2024 from 5:15 to 6:45 pm.
Researchers are increasingly facing challenges when it comes to selecting high-quality journals. For years, some publishing houses have been conspicuous for their massive focus on output (e.g. through numerous special editions) and low quality assurance in terms of content. For early career researchers in particular, publishing in such journals and publishing houses can be detrimental to their academic career. The reputation and individual career paths of researchers are jeopardized by publishing in so-called "predatory journals", which aim to publish as many articles as possible. The Agreement on Reforming Research Assessmentis committed to the idea of a qualitative assessment of research results instead of a "publish or perish" culture that focuses on quantity. The basic idea is to avoid the inappropriate use of journal-level metrics (such as the journal impact factor) in research assessment.
As part of the Georgia August Dialogue live, there will be an introductory section by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Brümmer, Vice President for Research and Sustainability, and an open discussion section on the topics of selecting publication organs and research assessment reform.
The event will take place as a Zoom webinar. Please register here.
Past „Georgia-Augusta-Dialog live“-Events
April 2021: Presentation of the new Executive Committee
June 2021: Forum Wissen
July 2021: 100 days of the new Executive Committee
October 2021: Transfer strategy
Nov/Dec 2021: Recommendation paper on the further development of the Forum Wissen
April 2022: 1 year of new Executive Board / start of governance process
Sept 2022: Pro.Admin project
Jan 2023: Review 2022 / Outlook 2023 with the Executive Committee
Feb 2023: Research Strategy
April 2024: After the decision in the Excellence Strategy
Georgia-Augusta-Dialog Discussion Platform
Link to the Georgia-Augusta-Dialog
The discussion platform is operated by the Public Relations department on behalf of the Executive Committee. Please contact Ben Bühring or Thomas Richter with your questions, comments and suggestions or if you have problems logging in.
To log in, please use your domain and user ID as an employee of the university and the UMG. For example:
- gwdg\musterperson(for GWDG accounts)
- ug-uzdv\musterperson (for an account within the central administration)
- umg\musterperson (for an UMG account)
- Students To log in, please use ug-student\benutzername where the username is the part of your student e-mail address before the @ sign, i.e:
- ug-student\m.musterperson (if your e-mail is: