Integrated Application Systems

- M.WIWI-WIN.0002 -

Course for Master's Programs

Short Overview

What? How?
Frequency Every summer semester
Type of event Lecture, presence required
Exam prerequisite Successful work on three case studies
Examination Written exam (120 min)
Credits 6 ECTS
Entry requirements None
Required knowledge Bachelor in Business Information Systems or relevant specialization in Bachelor Business Administration


At the beginning of the course, the theoretical foundations in the context of integration theory are introduced. In addition to horizontal and vertical integration, this also includes implementation in integration concepts and technical framework conditions such as electronic data interchange. This theoretical basis is subsequently illustrated by practical examples of integrated information processing in various economic applications.

Learning Goals

The students should:

  • know, explain, and judge the basic application system types and the general theory of integration.

  • describe, explain, and analyze selected current trends.

  • describe, explain, and analyze selected application systems.

  • learn team, communication, organizational, and presentation skills.


Chair of Application Systems and E-Business

Lars Wilhelmi

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5

37073 Göttingen

Tel. 0551 39-24479

Christine Jokisch

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5

37073 Göttingen

Tel. 0551 39-29724