Corinna Hoffmann, M.Sc.
- Institutional economic approaches in forestry
- Application of organizational theory approaches in forest contexts
- Business model analysis in forestry
- Evaluation of digitization technologies and Industry 4.0 - applications in the forest-wood supply chain
- Economic analyses of organizational forms in small-scale private forestry
PhD topic
Analysis of current challenges in forestry with the help of institutional economic approaches
Research projects
Curriculum vitae
since 2019 | Research associate and PhD student at the Department of Forest Economics and Sustainable Land Use Planning, Georg-August-University of Göttigen, Germany (Frau Prof. Dr. Paul) |
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2017 - 2019 | Study of Forestry and Forest Ecology - Emphasis: Forest operation and utilization at the Georg-August-University Göttingen
Degree: Master of Science Certificate: Studium Oecologicum |
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2014 - 2017 | Study of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology at the Georg-August-University Göttingen
Degree: Bachelor of Science Certificate: Forest Education |
Teaching and Theses
- Bachelor thesis: "Institutional economic analysis of raw wood sales in Germany with a special focus on wood measurement - an explorative case study based on expert interviews"
- Bachelor thesis: "Systematic comparison of sales and payment terms for timber sales in Germany"
- Bachelor thesis: "Changes in German timber sales over the last 15 years - an institutional economic analysis"
- Master thesis: "Changed logging behavior due to different grading of wood and use of digitization techniques in wood measurement"
- Master thesis: "Industry 4.0 in the forest-wood supply chain"
- Master thesis: "Modelling of forestry utilisation decisions against the background of the respective objectives and framework of different small private forest types"
- Master thesis: "Analysis of business models of involved stakeholder groups in the forest-wood supply chain for the targeted implementation of digitalisation technologies/Industry 4.0"