Prof. Dr. Carsten Mai
Research interests
- Chemical treatment of wood component in wood-based materials for the targeted improvement of application-relevant properties, e.g. behaviour in outdoor weathering
- Development, application, and analysis of novel binder systems for wood-based materials
- Recycling of wood-based materials
- Combination of wood-based materials with other materials
- Interaction between chemical composition of the cell wall and specific wood properties
- HyLight - Energy-efficient production of complex-shaped, multifunctional and recyclable lightweight products made of wood and bioplastics using automatic injection-moulding machines
- OptiDaemm - Adaptation of the production parameters for wood fibre insulating materials to a changed wood species composition to optimise the product properties
- DFG - Graduiertenkolleg 1703 - Ressourceneffizienz in Unternehmensnetzwerken - Methoden zur betrieblichen und überbetrieblichen Planung für die Nutzung erneuerbarer Rohstoffe
- Recycle MDF - Recycling von Produktionsausschüssen aus der MDF-Platten Produktion zur Faserrückgewinnung
- RiBe - Development of a weather-resistant and fire-resistant wood-based fibreboard as a carrier material for a concrete wear layer and production of a wood fibre concrete composite material for outdoor use
- Ebenholz - Development of wood modification methods to replace ebony (Dispyros crassifolia) and grenadilla (Dalbergia melanoxylon) with native wood species in musical instrument making (synthetic Ebony wood)
- Gerlau - Utilisation-oriented investigations of low-value hardwood assortments for the production of innovative products
- KiriTec - Development of weight-reduced wood products based on kiri wood (Paulownia spp.)
- WIPANO - Development of novel isocyanate-based acceleration systems for use in the wood-based panel industry
- SIGNO - Dyeing of wood and wood-based materials with phenolic metal complexes
- Fibre+ - Innovative Paper Packaging Products for European SMEs Based on Functional Modification of Recovered Fibres
- IsoPoplar - Development of a mould-protected and biocide-free blow-in insulation based on poplar wood and cellulose flakes
- modDäm - Production of wood fibre insulation boards with increased resistance to moisture and fungi from chemically modified fibres
- PlasmaSpan - Plasma treatment of wood chips under atmospheric pressure for the development of particleboard with low emission potential
- WoodSense - Developing and implementing formaldehyde online-senor systems in wood-based panel processing
- Siloxan - Siloxanes for wood treatment
- Platte - Development of plywood with increased fungal resistance for use as a floor slab in low-floor buses
- HiM - Wood in seawater - Investigations into the durability of modified wood in marine construction, especially againstTeredo navalis
- modWPC - Improvement of the dimensional stability and other material properties of extruded wood-plastic composites (WPC) for outdoor use by chemical modification of the wood filler
- modHWS - Development of novel wood-based materials from chemically modified veneers, fibres and chips
- Basidio - Characterization of the degradation patterns of chemically modified wood by wood-destructive basidiomycetes
- Nano+ - Combined treatment of wood with nanoparticles
- Hydrophob - Improvement of wood product properties by increased hydrophobicity obtained by the use of silicon compounds
- Silan - Behandlung von Massivholz mit Silanverbindungen
- KiefernStolz - Joint project: Sustainable utilisation potentials for pine heartwood Subprojects 5 and 6: Identification and development of products
- Group leader – Wood-based materials research
- Contact person for chemical analysis
Courses presented
- Holzbiologie und Holztechnologie
- Holzbiologie II
- Holzchemie
- Holzschutz
- Papierherstellung
- Environmentally friendly production of wood
- Forest utilisation and wood processing
- Übungen zur Holzbiologie und Holzanwendung
- Projekt 1: Holztechnologie und Holzprodukte / Holzwerkstoffe. Schwerpunkt: Holzbiologie und Holztechnologie
- Papiertechnologisches Praktikum
- Instituts-Seminar Holzbiologie und Holztechnologie
- Seminar on wood science and technology
- Holzbiologisch-technologisches Laborpraktikum
- Anleitung zu selbständigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
- Grundwissen einheimischer und fremdländischer Nutzhölzer
Supervision of student theses (for reasons of data protection law, the authors names are withheld)
PhD- Production of laccase-mediator-bound wood fibre materials by means of an accelerated incubation process
- Development of new low bulk density wood fibre insulation materials bonded with polyurethane
- Technical lignins as bio-based starting material for the substitution of petroleum-based phenol in phenol-formaldehyde resins
- Novel functional nanomaterials from stearoylated and undecenoated cellulose esters
- Investigations into the durability of synthetic resin-modified wood when used in contact with seawater
- Treatment of wood with siloxanes and metal micro-particle deposition using plasma technology
- Development of lightweight, three-layer composite panels made from maize (agricultural raw material)
- Impact of process conditions in open and closed reactor systems on the properties of thermally modified wood
- Saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass for bioethanol production with special emphasis on short rotation trees, forest hardwoods, and cascade used wood panels
- Influence of impregnation, chemical and thermal wood modification on properties related to sorption, tensile strength and resistance to Fenton’s reagent
- Formaldehyde in wood and wood-based materials - mechanisms of action, detection, and prediction methods
- Development of multi-layer particleboard from low-value beech wood (Fagus sylvatica L.) and wood assortments from short rotation plantations to relieve pressure on softwood supply
- Development of low-emission particleboard with the addition of bark components of indigenous tree species
- Treatment of solid wood with silanes, polydimethylsiloxanes and silica sols
- Technological improvement of Portuguese pinewood by chemical modification
- Properties of wood modified with glutaraldehyde
- Development of lightweight, three-layer particleboard from a combination of the renewable raw materials maize and wood
- Production of OSB from (Paulownia tomentosa x fortunei), pine (Pinus sylvestris) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) strands using PMDI
- Recovered Fibres from Melamine-Urea-Formaldehyde Bonded Fibreboards and Processing of the Fibres into Wood-Plastic-Composite
- Preparation and Application of Dialdehyde Cellulose
- Investigation into the use of low-value hardwood assortments in the production of PMDI bonded insulation boards
- Characterisation of fibrous materials from low-grade hardwood and softwoods for the production of wood fibreboards
- Staining of solid wood with phenol-iron complexes
- Investigations into the application of isocyanate catalyzed with ammonium salts as an adhesive for medium density fibreboard (MDF)
- Determination of the hydrolytic resistance and tensile stress resistance of melamine coatings (DPL) as a function of the degree of hardening
- Process optimisation for phenol and melamine formaldehyde modification of birch veneers using atmospheric pressure plasma
- Optimisation of the penetrating ability of decorative papers in the impregnation process, taking various influencing factors into account
- Investigations into emissions from pyrolytic reactions in wood-based panel (OSB) drying
- Constituents of grape oak (Quercus petraea LIEBL.) of various geographic locations
- Examination of phenol-formaldehyde resin-isocyanate-modified beechwood
- Improvement of the optical properties and dimensional stability of beech and pine wood by modification with phenol-formaldehyde resin and colouring additives
- Modification of native woods with the aim of substituting ebony
- Production and testing of single-layer particleboards bonded with gelatin and phenol-formaldehyde resin
- Production of particleboard based on Kiri wood and pMDI adhesives
- Principles of lignin utilzation and production of cell wall lignin fragments from sulfate-lignin
- Increasing the durability and dimensional stability of birch plywood by modifying veneers with phenol-formaldehyde resin
- Modification of softwood fibres with acetic anhydride in various concentrations for the production of medium density fibreboard (MDF)
- Production and property determination of medium density fibreboard (MDF) from phenol-formaldehyde modified softwood fibres in various processes
- Production of Kiri-based paricleboard
- Aging behaviour of urea-formaldehyde adhesives
- Improvement of the impregnability of wood veneers by plasma treatment under atmospheric pressure
- Research on a method for the quantitative determination of formaldehyde emission from wood materials by coupling solid phase microextraction, gas chromatography and ion mobility spectroscopy
- Vapothermal carbonization of digestate
- Surface fungi on wood under the influence of a pulsed electric field
- Physical and mechanical properties of phenolic resin-modified plywoods
- Development of a durable plywood by modifying beech and poplar veneers with melamine-formaldehyde
- Influence of melamine derivatives on selected properties of polypropylene and polyvinylchloride-based wood-plastic composites (WPC)
- Characterisation of melamine-reinforced urea-formaldehyde resins - investigations into mechanical properties of particleboards
- Thema: Das Proteom in Stiel und Hut der Fruchtkörper von Coprinopsis cinerea zum Zeitpunkt der Meiose
- Development of methods for determining the properties of thermally modified wood
- Immunohistochemical analysis of bordered pits of Pinus strobus L. using confocal and 4Pi microscopy
- Process and material optimisation in wood pellet production using a laboratory pellet press
- Comparison between different wood decay assessment methods
- Investigation into incorrect gluing of veneer laminated timber
- Assessment of infestation under GK 3 conditions in the block test
- Chemical modification of pine fibres to produce moisture-resistant MDF
- Hydrophobisation of chipboard by different wax emulsions
- Effect of chain length on the properties of amino-silicone modified wood
- Development of a modification process for beech veneers(Fagus sylvatica L.) based on glutaraldehyde
- Production of wood fibre insulation boards with the addition of polyethyleneimine and examination of their mould resistance
- Development of a composite material based on wood particles and silicone elastomers
- Investigation and analysis of novel phenolresol- and furan resin-based adhesive systems
- Investigations into the applicability of alkyl ketene dimers (AKD) as surface modifiers in the production of UF-bound particleboards
- Theoretical background in the field of wood bonding and practical investigations on the gluability of Grand fir (Abies grandis)
- Charakterisierung ausgewählter Laub- und Nadel Holzfasern zur Herstellung von Holzfaserdämmplatten
- Zusammenfassung und Vergleich des derzeitigen Standes der Forschung zu Holzfaserdämmplatten aus- und mit beigemischtem Laubholz
- Comparison of methods for determining the surface roughness and lift-off (removal) resistance of paints
- Method development for testing the mechanical and physical properties of WPC compounds - an interlaboratory test
- Comparison of technical properties of plywood panels with a central layer of Paulownia spp. and Picea abies
- Influence of pressure and temperature during thermomodification on the composition of hemicelluloses inEucalyptus nitens
- Thermohydrolytic digestion of UF resin and MUF resin bonded fibreboards
- Fire retardant for solid wood
- Potentials and restrictions of wood-polymer composites (WPC)
- Thermoplastic wood-biopolymer composites
- Evaluation of modified veneer plywood after seven years of outdoor exposure
- Relationship between fibre saturation point, dimensional stability, and natural durability
- Investigation of wood treatment with low molecular weight phenol-formaldehyde compounds
- Influence of a combination of acetylation with a polysiloxane on the properties of modified wood
- Evaluation of possible soil treatments to minimise the infestation potential on transmission pylons
- Examination of thermosets and thermosets using DSC
- Effects of DMDHEU and glutaraldehyde on the swelling and shrinkage behaviour ofPinus sylvestris
- Paper surface treatment with nanofibrillated cellulose
- Investigations into the bondability of thermally modified wood (TMT) for window-frame construction
- Anti-fungal effectiveness of selected new environmentally friendly wood protection agents versus traditional agents - a screening test
- Structure of the pulp and paper industry in Germany
- Wood in contact with seawater on the German North Sea and Baltic Sea coast - wood pests, wood preservation, and wood species use
- The natural durability of selected commercial tree species with emphasis on heartwood and application thereof