Dr. Susanne Bollmus
Research interests
- Hardwood use
- Chemical wood preservation and modification
- Durability of wood and wood products
- Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
- LVL Mast - Development of material- and construction-optimized overhead line pylons
- CreoSub - New protection systems for the substitution of creosote for railway sleepers, wooden bridges and overhead line masts
- Nachwuchsgruppe - Novel applications, markets, and technologies for native hardwood species
- HiFreTech - High-frequency impregnation of wood
- RWE - Investigation into the durability of wooden transmission pylons
- WinFur - Suitability of furfurylated wood for high quality window frame production
- WoodExter - Behaviour of wood used outdoors, above-ground
- InnoBuche - Innovative modified beech wood products - Improved material properties in light of increasing beech wood production and high consumer demands to ensure sustainability
- Contact person for Imaging techniques
Committee Work
- Member of the Central Senate Commission for Teaching and Study (zKLS) and the Extended Central Commission for Teaching and Study (zKLS-plus) (since 2017)
- Member (scientific staff) of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology (since 2016)
- Deputy Member of the Central Senate Commission for Teaching and Study (zKLS) and the Extended Central Commission for Teaching and Study (zKLS-plus) (2012-2017)
- Alternate member (scientific staff) of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology (2011-2016)
- Administrative Director of the Wood Preservation Committee (since 2010)
- Spokesperson for PhD students on the board of the "Georg-August University School of Sciences" (GAUSS) (2007-2009)
- Representative of the students in the study commission of the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (2005-2009)
- Grundwissen einheimischer u. fremdländischer Nutzhölzer
- Holzbiologie und Holztechnologie
- Holzeigenschaften
- Holzkunde
- Holzphysik und Holzmechanik
- Holzverwendung
- Holzqualität, Faserstoffe und Biomassenutzung
- Tropical dendrology and wood science
- Projekt 1: Holztechnologie und Holzprodukte / Holzwerkstoffe
- Projekt 1: Waldökosystemmanagement
- Project 1: Development of a forest region
- Wood biology
Supervision of student papers (for data protection reasons, the papers have been made anonymous)
Master theses- Einfluss der Oberflächenrauheit und Oberflächenbenetzung auf die Längszugscherfestigkeit keilgezinkter Laub- und Nadelvollhölzer
- Selbsthemmung keilgezinkter Laub- und Nadelvollhölzer unter besonderer Betrachtung der Rohdichte
- Birch structural timber – Distribution of strength related wood characteristics and their influence on bending properties
- Influence of specimen size and shape on the durability of wood in laboratory tests
- Dichte, Struktur und Zug – Integrität und Biegeeigenschaften von Lärchenholz (Larix decidua MILL.) in Abhängigkeit von der Lage im Stamm
- Untersuchungen zum Vermögen holzzerstörender Pilze, chemisch modifiziertes Holz zu durchwachsen
- Bauholz aus marknahen Buchenholzsortimenten – Untersuchung zur Verteilung festigkeitsrelevanter Holzmerkmale und deren Ein-fluss auf Biegeeigenschaften
- Microscopic examination of wood after modification with reactive resins
- Comparative investigations into the mechanical determination of fibre content of hardwood lamellas
- Influence of selected modification systems on elasto-mechanical properties of wood
- Comparison of pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) modified with DMDHEU and altered DMDHEU variants
- Influence of relevant parameters on the bonding properties of untreated and modified hardwoods for load-bearing constructions
- Fire behavior of furfurylated wood with and without the addition of a phosphate-based fire retardant
- Analysis of the biological and mechanical properties of acetylated hardwood
- Thermal modification of spruce (Picea abies KARST.) under the influence of increased vapour pressure
- Investigation of variables influencing the bonding of modified wood using standardized test methods
- Improvement of wood appearance through variation of impregnation process
- Effect of size on tensile, compression and bending strengths of six European hardwood species
- Development of a wood modification process on a laboratory scale and comparison of the leaching of DMDHEU and melamine, and properties of melamine modified pine wood
- Examinations of the gluability of furfurylated wood for window scantling production
- Feuchteverhalten von mit wässrigen und öligen Schutzmitteln imprägnierter Buche
- Untersuchung des Einflusses einer Plasmabehandlung bezüglich der Wasseraufnahme von acetylierten Hölzern
- Beeinflussung ausgewählter statischer und dynamischer Eigenschaften von mit verschiedenen glyoxal-basierten Vernetzern behandeltem Massivholz – Ein Methodenvergleich
- Untersuchung des Wuchsverhaltens holzzerstörender Basidiomyceten in Abhängigkeit vom Kultursubstrat
- Untersuchung der Dauerhaftigkeit des Holzes von Metasequoia glyptostroboides und Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
- Untersuchungen zum Querdruckverhalten von Birken-Bauholz
- Untersuchung zum Einfluss von Wasserhaltekapazitäten und Feuchte von Böden auf die Abbaurate ausgewählter Hölzer
- Konzeption und Fertigung eines Prüfstandes zur Ermittlung der Spritzwasserbelastung von Holzbauteilen
- Kartographische Darstellung des feuchteinduzierten Befallsrisikos von Holzbauteilen in der Schweiz
- Untersuchung hydraulischer Effekte durch Imprägnierung von Holz mit Ölen und Wachsen
- Development of assorted log price relations for main economic tree species based on timber revenues in the Hessen state forest
- Grain perpendicular elasto-mechanical tensile properties of beech, ash, and maple wood
- Shape change of electric bass guitar neck in fluctuating ambient climates
- Comparison of methods for determining the abrasion resistance of differently modified woods
- Comparative investigations for calculation and determination of bending strength and fracture impact energy by means of static and dynamic testing
- Investigation into the role of charcoal in forest history of Hümmel region (Eifel, North Rhine-Westphalia)
- Comparative investigations into the determination of fibre orientation for hardwood lamellas
- Comparative investigations into facades made of thermally modified and unmodified wood