International Purchase Law

Details: 2 hours per week
Number in Stud.IP: 430283

The course is part of specialization area 3 (civil law and civil administration of justice). It deals with the legal foundations of the cross-border exchange of goods, which is usually assessed according to Purchase Law or at least the rules of Purchase Law. Knowing and mastering these rules is of eminent practical importance, especially for a nation like Germany that is exposed to the international exchange of goods. The rules that the course aims to convey in their main features include, on the one hand, the relevant conflict of laws provisions of IPR, which show which of the relevant sales laws are applicable at all. On the other hand, the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), which has meanwhile established itself as the globally applicable uniform sales law for the cross-border exchange of goods, will be discussed with reference to specific cases. In addition to questions relating to the conclusion of the contract, the rights and obligations of the seller and buyer regulated in the Convention as well as the prerequisites and legal consequences in the event of defaults in performance will be dealt with in particular.

Time and place:
The course took place from 10th April 2024 to 10th July 2024 on Wednesdays from 12:00 p.m. to 02:00 p.m. in room VG 2.105. The lecture was canceled on 01st May 2024.