- Strukturgeologie I, Vorlesung; B.Geo.105
- Kartierübung für Anfänger in Sontra, Nordhessen; B.Geo.107
- Regionale Geologie (von Europa), Vorlesung; B.Geo.110
- Tectonics of sedimentary basins and orogens; Lectures and exercises; M.Geo. 101
- Structural modelling, Lectures and exercises; M.Geo.138
- Field excursions: Folded Jura, Pyrenees, Andes; M.Geo.104
I am also contributing to:
- Strukturgeologie II, Ringvorlesung und Seminar; B.Geo.104
- Case Studies in Regional Geology, Lecture series; M.Geo.104
- Perspektiven der Mediterranistik, Ringvorlesung