Conference: "Internationalisation of the Curricula in Higher Education" (01.-03.11.2016)

On November 1-3 2016, the University of Goettingen hosted the conference "Internationalisation of the Curricula in Higher Education: Concepts, Initiatives, Actions" in cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Rectors' Conference (HRK). The event was supported by the Santander Consumer Bank.

The conference focused on the internationalisation of the curricula in higher education though the integration of international and intercultural dimensions as well as global perspectives into the content, the processes of teaching and learning, and the support structures of the study programmes. 120 participants, amongst them university board members, staff from International Offices and Student and Academic Services, representatives from higher education development and politics, as well as teachers and students from German and international universities gathered to discuss challenges and future directions

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Internationalisierung der Curricula an Hochschulen: Konzepte, Initiativen, Maßnahmen (1.-3.11.2016)

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