The cost of living in Göttingen
How each individual budgets their living costs depends on their personal needs and preferences. As Göttingen is a typical student town, the price level is comparatively low. The Göttingen Student’s Association, called “Studentenwerk”, provides a good and affordable basic infrastructure with numerous dormitories, cafeterias and dining facilities. Many of the cultural and sports facilities and public transport services also give student discounts and the "Semesterticket" allows further savings.
To cover the cost of living in Göttingen, you currently need at least 750 to 850 € a month. The university’s semester fees are also due each semester.
Particularly international students should note that it is not possible to study in Germany without sufficient financing. Often, international students will start their studies in Germany without having sufficient funds to last for the duration of their studies. Regrettably, many must break off their studies for this reason after a few semesters. To avoid such a situation, we urgently advise you to secure future funding for your studies well in advance.