In publica commoda

Press release: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) honours student from Nicaragua

Nr. 244/2013 - 10.12.2013

Salvador Marcello Perez Alvarez honoured for his academic achievements and commitment

(pug) Salvador Marcello Perez Alvarez from Nicaragua is currently studying at Göttingen University and has been awarded this year's prize for outstanding foreign students by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). With this prize, the DAAD acknowledges his commitment to the degree programme he attended and his exceptionally good academic achievements. Salvador Marcello Perez Alvarez is in his third semester of the Master's degree programme in Development Economics offered by the Faculty of Economic Sciences. This DAAD prize is awarded to international students who not only excel scholastically, but who also show a notable commitment to social, intercultural and intercollegiate affairs.

"Salvador Marcello Perez Alvarez has produced outstanding achievements in the Development Economics degree programme," according to the jury. Moreover, the DAAD acknowledged his social commitment to foreign students. For example, in winter semester 2012/2013, he organised and tutored a study group for international students at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences on his own initiative, helping them catch up on the requisite knowledge in the subject of econometrics. Directly after he graduated in Nicaragua, Salvador Marcello Perez Alvarez completed his Bachelor’s degree in Economics at the University of Regensburg. Since the beginning of his stay in Germany, he has endeavoured to facilitate international students' start in German academic life. Currently, he is in the Higher Education Group of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, where he informs and advises future students about study opportunities in Germany.

Even outside of academia, Salvador participates in social projects: In 2010, he worked with various organisations on a water supply project in the 100-family-small village of Pueblo Nuevo in Nicaragua. At present, he is working with other alumni of the German School in Nicaragua to establish a foundation. The foundation's mission is to enable talented schoolchildren who want to study at a German university later to receive an education at the German School in Nicaragua.

Contact address:
Nina Giebel
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
The International Office –
International Student Services
Von-Siebold-Strasse 2, 37075 Göttingen
Phone +49 (0)551 39-12486