Teaching - previous semesters

  • Vorlesung "Introduction to Physics of Complex Systems" Mo+Do 14:00 (4SWS) + 2SWS Übung, mit P.Bittihn, M. Fauth
  • Seminar "Current Topics in Theoretical Biophysics" Mo 14:00 (2SWS)
  • Vorlesung+Praktikum "Advanced Computational Physics" (6SWS), mit F. Heidrich-Meisner, V. Priesemann

  • Vorlesung "Statistical Biophysics" Mo 8:00, Do 12:00 (4SWS)
  • Seminar "Advanced Complex Systems and Biological Physics" Di, Fr 8:00 (4SWS), with E. Bodenschatz
  • Seminar "Current Topics in Theoretical Biophysics" Di 14:00 (2SWS)

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  • Vorlesung "Rechenmethoden der Physik" Mo 8:00, Di+Do 12:00 (6SWS) + 2SWS Übung
  • Seminar "Current Topics in Theoretical Biophysics" Mo 14:00 (2SWS)

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  • Vorlesung "Theoretische Physik II für 2FB" Mo+Mi 10:00 (4SWS) + 2SWS Übung
  • Seminar "Current Topics in Theoretical Biophysics" Di 14:00 (2SWS)
  • Seminar "Advanced Topics in Complex Systems and Biological Physics" Di+Fr 8:0 (4SWS), mit E. Bodenschatz

(→ mehr Information auf UniVZ)

  • Vorlesung "Introduction to Physics of Complex Systems" Mo+Do 14:00 (4SWS) + 2SWS Übung
  • Seminar "Current Topics in Theoretical Biophysics" Di 14:00 (2SWS)
  • Vorlesung+Praktikum "Advanced Computational Physics" Mi 14:00, Fr 10 (6SWS), mit F. Heidrich-Meisner, P. Sollich

Summer Term 2021

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  • Vorlesung "Statistical Biophysics" Mo 8:00 + Do 16:00 (4SWS)
  • Seminar "Current Topics in Theoretical Biophysics" Di 14:00 (2SWS)
  • Seminar "Advanced complex systems and biological physics" mit E. Bodenschatz Di+Do 8:00 (4SWS)

Winter Term 2020/2021

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  • Vorlesung "Introduction to Physics of Complex Systems" Mo+Do 14:00 (4SWS) + 2SWS Übung
  • Seminar "Current Topics in Theoretical Biophysics" Di 14:00 (2SWS)
  • Vorlesung+Praktikum "Advanced Computational Physics" Mi 14:00, Fr 10 (6SWS), mit F. Heidrich-Meisner, M. Müller

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  • Vorlesung "Computergestütztes wissenschaftliches Rechnen" Mi 12:00 (2SWS) + 4SWS Übung
  • Seminar "Advanced complex systems and biophysics" Di+D0 8:00 (4SWS), mit E. Bodenschatz
  • Seminar "Current Topics in Theoretical Biophysics" Di 14:00 (2SWS)

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  • Vorlesung "Introduction to Physics of Complex Systems" (4SWS), Mo+Do 14:00 + 2SWS Übung
  • Seminar "Current Topics in Theoretical Biophysics" (2SWS), Di 14:00

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  • Vorlesung "Computergestütztes wissenschaftliches Rechnen" (2SWS), Mi 12:00 + 4SWS Übung
  • Vorlesung "Biophysics of gene regulation" (2SWS), Do 12:00
  • Seminar "Current Topics in Theoretical Biophysics" (2SWS), Di 14:00

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  • Vorlesung "Statistical Biophysics" (4SWS), Mo 10:00 +Di 8:00
  • Seminar "Current Topics in Theoretical Biophysics" (2SWS), Di 14:00

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  • Vorlesung "Theorie II für 2FB (Elektrodynamik und Statistische Mechanik) " (4SWS + Übung), Mo+Mi 10:00
  • Seminar "Current Topics in Theoretical Biophysics" (2SWS), Di 14:00
  • Seminar "Statistical Physics in Biology" (2SWS), A. Nourmohammad, D. Zwicker, S. Klumpp, Fr 14:00 bzw. Block

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  • Vorlesung "Thermodynamik und Statistische Mechanik" (4SWS + Übung), Mo+Do 8:00
  • Vorlesung "Biophysics of gene regulation" (2SWS), Fr 12:00
  • Seminar "Current Topics in Theoretical Biophysics" (2SWS), Di 14:00
  • Seminar "Neural network dynamics and function" (2SWS), V. Priesemann und S. Klumpp, Blockkurs im Februar

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  • Vorlesung + Übung "Stochastic Dynamics" (6SWS), Mo 12:00, Mi 14:00, Übung Mi 12:00
  • Seminar "Current Topics in Theoretical Biophysics" (2SWS), Di 14:00
  • Seminar "Theoretische Biophysik - Genschaltkreise" (2SWS), Fr 14-18 (14-täg.)

  • Vorlesung "Statistical Biophysics" (4SWS), Mo+Mi 14:00
  • Seminar "Aktuelle Themen der Theoretischen Biophysik" (2SWS), Di 14:00
  • Blockseminar "Biophysik mit Bakterien" (2SWS)

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  • Vorlesung "Quantenmechanik I" (4SWS + Übung), Mo+Do 8:00
  • Seminar "Active materials in biology", gemeinsam mit C. Schmidt (2SWS), Mi 10:00
  • Seminar "Aktuelle Themen der Theoretischen Biophysik" (2SWS), Di 14:00

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  • Vorlesung "Biophysik der Genregulation" (2SWS)