'Slap in the Park' Fundraising Campaign for the Göttinger Filmnetzwerk e.V.
Our group decided to join in the Göttinger Filmnezwerk association's project. Our goal was to source financial support for a short film. The film's script, Slap in the Park (working title), was written as part of a university course. Filming of the 8-minute movie is expected to take place at Kies Lake. Actors from Deutsches Theater and Junges Theater shall be joining the cast; the film is due to be released in the fall at the Short Film Festival in Lumière. Our spokespersons at the Göttinger Filmnetzwerk association, Jan Hansen und Christian Ewald, have given us free reign in our participation of this project. We have since decided to:
Both the film promotion and the opening of the Startnext account were challenging, as collecting the necessary documents to legalise the Startnext account was tedious. As for the promotion, we had initially wanted to use a bob punching bag, as used for training in martial arts. However, we were unable to find a bob punching bag in Göttingen. Still, we were able to put our plan in action by improvising.
The one aspect of our plan that has yet eluded us is financial - we have yet to fulfil our goal of raising 3000 euros via Startnext. At the last count, we were able to raise 300 euros. We sincerely hope that our film promotion was effective enough to increase atttention, and that this sum will increase. The Göttinger Filmnetzwerk has also applied for grants. Through our data bank, we believe that the partners of this project have a useful tool, with which they are able to apply for additional grants, should they wish to.