Seminars, Colloquia and more
IPC Institute Seminar
The IPC Institute Seminar is the weekly meeting of the institute's community. It is the prime opportunity for the discussion of any issues regarding the institute as well as the presentation of latest research topics from the different groups.PC Colloquium
The Physical Chemical Colloquium features selected speakers from all around the world to present their research in any field of physical chemistry.GDCh Colloquium
The "Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker" (GDCh) organises the GDCh Colloquium, where selected speakers present their research in any field of chemistry.More Seminars and Colloquia
Current research from other fields of chemistry is presented regularly at the AC Colloquium organised by the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and the OC Colloquium organised by the Institute of Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry.Research results from various fields of physics are presented at several seminars and colloquia organised by the Faculty of Physics and its institutes.