In publica commoda

Guidelines for bicycle test rides

Spend the necessary time for a thorough check of your potential new bike and question its previous owner about defects and special attributes. Be sure to insist on a test ride!

Advice and support in the valuation of a used bike is available from ADFC Göttingen

General condition

Is the bike properly cleaned? How old is it? Do you like the model and its colour? Is it a bike of a well-known brand?

Wheels and frames

Are the tyres OK? No cracks or porous spots? Can you see sufficient profile on the tyres? Tyre pressure and air valves okay? Are the spokes firm and resilient (test: simply press two spokes together and feel the tension)? Are the rims and welding seams free of rust?


Are the brake lines in order? Is there sufficient profile on the brake pads? Carry out a brake trial (full braking).

Steering and gear shifting

You should also make sure that the steering and gear shifting systems are in good order. Check the steering behaviour and shift once into every available gear. The chain and sprockets must not be too heavily worn, otherwise expensive repairs will become necessary later on. Moreover, it should be possible to adjust the height of the handlebars (and of the saddle) easily.

Road safety

You should also check all road safety features required for a bicycle (e.g. functioning lamp and bell).


Of course, the price is also a vital consideration when purchasing a used bike. For just 20 Euros, you cannot expect a top-class bicycle in mint condition, but it should be roadworthy. Otherwise, the general principle is: the more expensive a bike is, the better its condition should be.


Has the bike passed all of the tests? And you have reached agreement about the price?

Then have lots of fun with your new/old bicycle!!

But: do not forget regular maintenance and lubrication, so that your bike can give you a long period of service.