Executive Assistant
since 01 Juni 2019: Executive Assistant to CEO - Department of Crop Sciences
consulting hours: Monday - Thursday, 10:00 to 12:00
Research interests
- nutrient balances, e.g. nitrogen, phosphorus
- legume cultivation and symbiotic nitrogen fixation
- soil quality, soil fertility
- mechanical weed control and reduced tillage
- environmentally friendly forms of agriculture
- organic farming
- mixed cropping, intercropping and competition effects
Former Projects
- 2019-2022: Project "Enhancing productivity and nutrient efficiency in organic crop production by irrigation management" (BOELN). The Division Agronomy will perform field experiments comparing irrigated and rainfed spring wheat, spring beans and red clover on organic fields at Deppoldshausen near Göttingen. The site is characterized by shallow soils with low water holding capacity so that drought occurs frequently. In addition, the group is reponsible for the quantification of the symbiotic nitrogen fixation in red clover and beans.
- 2017-2019: Benefits of organic agriculture for environment and society (Leistungen des ökologischen Landbaus für Umwelt und Gesellschaft). short summary (in german) as pdf here
- 2013-2016: Pflanzenbauliche Strategien zur Minderung der Verunkrautung bei Mulchsaat von Ackerbohnen in cooperation with HTW Dresden and University of Bonn.
German Society of Crop Sciences =
Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften e.V. (GPW)