Newsletter No. 5 from 1st of November 2010

Dear colleagues and friends,

In this latest newsletter from the research group "Music, Conflict and the State" we would like to draw your attention to the first four research meetings (of six) that will be taking place during the winter semester 2010/11. We would also like to draw your attention to two presentations by Research Associates of the group during the regular colloquia organised by the Department of Musicology.


1. MCS Research Associates present at Department of Musicology Colloquium

Nov. 3 2010, 18:00 "Secret hatred, networked hatred: Right-wing extremist music in the Internet" - this is the master's dissertation topic chosen by our research associate Rebecca Möllemann, who will present initial results during the regular colloquia for M.A. and doctoral students organised the Department of Musicology.

Dec. 15 2010, 18:00 During this session, Dr. des. Dean Cáceres will report on his research into military connotations in instrumental music for children from the nineteenth century. Dr. des. Cáceres is preparing a chapter on this topic for the MCS book project "Little Drummer Boys: Children, Music and the Military from Antiquity to the Present".

Both presentations will take place in the lecture theatre (Hörsaal) of the Department of Musicology (address see also below) and will be held in German.

2. MCS Research Meetings in Winter Semester 2010/1

The goal of the first four meetings will be to read and discuss some foundational literature in the field of peace and conflict studies. To this purpose we have chosen to focus on Gert Sommer and Albert Fuchs’s book entitled "Krieg und Frieden: Handbuch der Konflikt- und Friedenspsychologie" (War and Peace: Handbook for Conflict and Peace Psychology).

8. November
Chapter 1 - “Ansatz – Ziele und Aufgaben – Kontroversen”

15. November
Chapter 15 - “Sozialwissenschaftliche Konfliktforschung”
Chapter 16 - “Konfliktbegriff, Konfliktkomponenten und Konfliktsstrategien”

29. November
Chapter 24 - “Propaganda und Kriegsberichterstattung”
Chapter 25 - “Psychologische Kriegführung und Information Warfare”

13. December
Chapter 17 - “Eskalationsdynamik und Konfliktbearbeitung”
Chapter 23 - “Feindbilder”

The meetings take place from 18:15-19:30 in the Lecture Room (Hörsaal) of the Department of Musicology, Kurze Geismarstrasse 1, 37073 Göttingen. The texts to be discussed are available in the library of the Department of Musicology or can be sent per email upon request (please write to:

The last two MCS research meetings of the semester, which will be held in January 2011, will be dedicated to the topic of the role of music in torture in preparation for the workshop on music and torture we are planning to hold in Spring 2011. Further information on the music and torture workshop will be given in our next newsletter.

You are cordially invited to attend!

Further information on the group is available under

Best wishes,

The Research Group "Music, Conflict and the State"