Catalogues - Research possibilities

The online catalogue GUK of the SUB and the search engine GöDiscovery hold all new locations of our media after the move of the library in August 2021.
To search through the complete inventory of the former musicological library now stored at the Cultural Studies Divisional Library (BBK), enter the following search keyword in GUK (field „[ALL] Alle Wörter“):

  • sst BBK-MUS? (complete inventory) or
  • BBK-MUS-N? (only sheet music).

Additionally, the OPAC of the musicological library containing our complete media inventory independently of locations is available.

Presently, the last remaining uncatalogued sheet music stocks are being catalogued in GUK (signature Mpr II...). In due course, our complete sheet music stock will be searchable and open for loan at the BBK, the stack-room of the SUB and the Historisches Gebäude of the SUB.

There are still some media not catalogued in GUK. These are parts of the audia media and other media from the Sound archive.