Journal articles and other publications
- Hassanpour A, Geibel J, Simianer H, Pook, T (2023) Optimization of breeding program design through stochastic simulation with kernel regression. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics. 2160-1836.
- Simianer H.,Heise J., Rensing S., Pook T., Geibel J., Reimer C. (2023) How economic weights translate into genetic and phenotypic progress, and vice versa; Genetics Selection Evolution 55, Article number: 38 (2023);
- Hassanpour A., Geibel J, Simianer H., Pook T. (2023) Beyond Scenarios - Optimization of breeding program design (MoBPSopti); bioRxiv,
- Vojgani E., Hölker AC., Mayer M., Schön CC, Simianer H. (2023) Genomic prediction using information across years with epistatic models and dimension reduction via haplotype blocks; Plos One, March 31, 2023;
- Mahmoud M., Tost M., Ha N-T., Simianer H., Beissinger T. (2023) Ghat: An R package for identifying adaptive polygenic traits, G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 01 December 2022;
- Fiddaman R S., Klopp C., Charles M., Bardou P., Lebrasseur O., Derks F. L. M., Schauer J., Reimer C., Geibel J., Gheyas A., Smith L.A., Schnabel R., Cerezo L M., Nishibori M., Godinez John P. C., Layos N. J K., A M. James, Blackmon H., A N. Giridhar, Greger LarsonIsmael Ng’ang’a, Muir W., Lange M., Wright D., Cheng H H., Simianer H., Weigend S., Warren W., Crooijmans P. M. A.R., Hanotte O., Smith J., Tixier-Boichard M., Af Frantz L. (2023) Chicken Genomic Diversity consortium: large-scale genomics to unravel the origins and adaptations of chickens, 30 Jan 2023;