"Popular Seriality" Opening Conference: Picture Gallery
The Opening Conference of the Research Unit "Popular Seriality—Aesthetics and Practice" took place at the Paulinerkirche in Göttingen from April 6 to 8, 2011. At the conference, members of the Research Unit and associated members presented their projects and discussed them with leading researchers from other universities. Keynote speakers were Lorenz Engell (IKKM of the Bauhaus University Weimar) and Knut Hickethier (University of Hamburg). Other speakers included: Thomas Klein (Mainz), Brigitte Frizzoni (Zurich), Oliver Fahle (Bochum), Ursula Ganz-Blättler (Lugano / Hildesheim), and Hans-Otto Hügel (Hildesheim).
A picture gallery, featuring numerous photographs taken during the conference, is now available at the website of the research unit.
This conference was held in German; a larger, international conference (in English) is planned for 2013.