Partnerships with Eastern Countries
The programme "Ostpartnerschaften" (Eastern Partnerships) by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is meant to strengthen and promote relations between German universities and universities in Central Eastern Europe, South Eastern Europe, and Eastern Europe, as well as universities in the Caucasus and Central Asia.
For several years, the University of Göttingen has been an active participant in the programme and is working together with partners from Estonia, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, and Hungary.
Aims are
- to strengthen existing partnerships and to help initiate new partnerships with universities of the target region,
- to intensify cooperation in teaching and research,
- to exchange scientists, graduates, and students,
- to foster sustainable and structural improvements of teaching and research conditions in the partner countries,
- to internationalise German and foreign universities.
Funding Measures
- Exchange of German and foreign university lecturers, scientists, students and graduates.
- The DAAD offers travel grants to German participants.
- The DAAD supports foreign participants in terms of subsistence expenses.
If you would like to become involved in the larger project and are looking for funding within existing partnerships of the target region, please contact the International Office.
Jakob Hedderich
The International Office
Von-Siebold-Straße 2
Room 1.122
37075 Göttingen
Tel.: +49 551/39 21326