Where Did Other Students Go?
Theatres and Museums
- American Theatre Company Amsterdam
- Birmingham Pen Museum
- CPS, DPA of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Vienna (Press and Marketing)
- DDR Museum Berlin
- Dove Cottage, Grasmere
- Dylan Thomas Boathouse Museum, Laugharne / Wales
- Heidelberger Kunstverein
- Hunan Today – Hunan Daily News Agency in Changsha, Hunan China
- KulturSommer Göttingen
- Literarisches Zentrum Göttingen
- Literature Wales
- Literaturherbst Göttingen
- Literaturherbst im Frühling Göttingen
- Mindener Museum
- Museum August Kestner Hannover
- Office of the Director, Office for Outer Space Affairs of the United Nations Office at Vienna (Press and Marketing)
- ThOP Göttingen
- Random House GmbH München
- Tra le righe libri (Publishing House Turin including Literature Festival Salone Internazionale del libro di Torino)
- Übersetzungsbüro Braunschweig
- Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (rights department)
- Westermann Schulbuchverlage Braunschweig
Literature Conferences
- Foucault’s The Order of Things: Discourse Analysis and the Archive
- Glocal Places of Literature
- Jane Austen Bicentenary