Summer Term 2017
- April 19: Tobias Scheer (Nice) - On the difference between the lexicon and computation (regarding Slavic hers)
- April 26: Stefan Hinterwimmer (Cologne) - Two kinds of perspective taking in narrative texts
- May 3: Paula Menéndez-Benito (Göttingen) - Random Choice Modality: Spanish uno cualquiera
- May 10: Jonathan Bobaljik (UConn / ZAS Berlin) - Features, universals, and the internal structure of words
- May 17: Cleo Condoravdi (Stanford/Göttingen) - Imperative force
- May 31: Franc Marusic (Nova Gorica) - Historical development of possibility modality in Slovenian - a case of a modal cycle
- June 7: Mihaela Moreno (CLUNL Lisbon) - The verbal complex in Romance: Is there any defective intervention in the syntax?
- June 14: Kristin Hanson (Berkeley / Munich) - Alt rhythms
- June 21: Svetlana Petrova (Wuppertal) - Bare and indefinite nominal predicates in the history of German
- June 28: Tonjes Veenstra (ZAS Berlin) - The creole anatomy of the Rich Agreement Hypothesis
- July 5: Daniele Panizza (Göttingen) - Neural signatures of pragmatic violations in adults and children
- July 12: Paul Kiparsky (Stanford) - Two approaches to locality in morphology