Hotels in Göttingen
In Göttingen you will find suitable accommodation for every taste and budget. We have pre-booked rooms at the following hotels:
- Hostel 37, 32 Euro (3 available): website
- Hotel Central, 82 Euro including breakfast (10 available): website
- Hotel Stadt Hannover, 74 Euro including breakfast (10 available): website
- Hotel Beckmann, 52 Euro including breakfast (5 available): website
All prices are for single rooms and per night (valid from August 30 to September 1).
The rooms have been pre-booked until April 30, 2012, so make sure you book early! If you wish to avail yourself of the discounted university prices above, quote "Tompson Conference" when booking.
For anyone wishing to stay elsewhere the use of the Göttingen Hotel Finder is recommended.