Global Shakespeare Feedback FormGlobal Shakespeare Feedback FormThis is a brief evaluation and feedback form for the Global Shakespeare units. If you would like to hear from us, please leave your email address.Which unit/s did you use in your course? Barzilai, "History of Hamlet" Chatterjee, Translational Framework Harris, Masala Shakespeare König, Teaching Shakespeare's Sonnets Mngadi, Reception in South Africa Rogers, Casting PracticesPlease let us know how challenging you rate the unit and how interesting you found it. *Is there anything we should improve or add?If you would like us to get back to you on your feedback, please leave your email address here:We welcome your feedback - Thank you very much in advance!Mit dem Absenden dieses Formulars bestätigen Sie, dass Sie unsere Datenschutzerklärung gelesen haben und akzeptieren.* Pflichtfeld