Short description of research activities in CRC 990:
I am a member of a research team chaired by Prof. I Nengah Surati Jaya (from IPB University), who is also a research counterpart of Prof. Dr. Kleinn (University of Goettingen) in the CRC research project, to conduct a research on "Compiling the values of wood specific grav-ity published for the tree species" genus present in the CRC 990 core plots + B05 inventory plots.
In 2013, Prof. I Nengah Surati Jaya and I received a research grant (called BOPTN fund) from Ministry of Education of Indonesia to conduct a research on "Developing geospatial methods for predicting landscape biomass using terrestrial and satelite image data" in Jambi. This research provided a scientific contribution for supporting REDD+ mechanism especially for Jambi area.