Dr. Clarissa E. Weber


  • Unternehmerisches Verhalten und Strategien in innovativen Kontexten
  • (Strategische) Zusammenarbeit (interorganisational, interprofessionell, international)
  • Temporäre Organisationen
  • Organisation und Wandel in/von Prozessen und Routinen
  • Internationalisierung und internationale Organisationen


  • Erneuerbare Energien
  • Sharing Economy
  • Plattform-basierte Geschäftsmodelle
  • Ärztliche Versorgung und Pflege
  • Videogame development
  • Crowdfunding
  • Biotech
  • Coworking


  • 2017-2024: Akademische Rätin und Habilitandin an der Professur für Organisation und Unternehmensentwicklung der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
  • 2023: Forschungsaufenthalt am University College London (UCL), School of Management, UK (Jan-Apr)
  • 2012-2017: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin an der Professur für Organisation und Unternehmensentwicklung der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
  • 2015: Forschungsaufenthalt an der Stanford University, USA (Sep-Dez)
  • 2006-2012: Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität zu Köln mit den Schwerpunkten Unternehmensentwicklung & Organisation und Corporate Finance sowie spezielle Volkswirtschaftslehre
  • 2010-2011: Auslandsstudium an der University of Manchester & Manchester Business School, UK
  • 2012: Summer School an der London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
  • studienbegleitende Tätigkeiten und Praktika als studentische Hilfskraft am Seminar für Unternehmensentwicklung und Organisation der Universität zu Köln, als Tutorin für Mathematik, in einer Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft und im Kulturbereich sowie im Rahmen eines Beratungsprojekts in der Chemiebranche

Aktuelle Lehrveranstaltungen:

  • Masterseminar: Digital Health (SoSe 2023)
  • Seminar: Forschungsseminar für DoktorandInnen (jedes Semester)
  • Masterkolloquium (jedes Semester)

Vergangene Lehrveranstaltungen:

  • Vorlesung: Unternehmensführung und Organisation (SoSe 2017)
  • Übung: Organisationsgestaltung & Wandel (WiSe 2015/16 und WiSe 2012/13)
  • Übung: Unternehmensführung & Organisation (SoSe 2014 und SoSe 2012)
  • Seminar: Wissensmanagement in Unternehmen (WiSe 2016/17)
  • Seminar: Unternehmenskooperationen (WiSe 2013/14 und SoSe 2017)

  • Master
  • Vorlesung: International Management (WiSe 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 und 2022/23)
  • Seminar: Space and Proximity (SoSe 2021)
  • Seminar: Prozessmanagement und interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit: Analyse und Optimierung von Prozessen im Gesundheitswesen (SoSe 2020)
  • Seminar: New Work - Independent Work und Coworking in der Arbeitswelt 4.0 (SoSe 2019)
  • Seminar: Organisation in neuen Arbeitsformen – Kontrolle, Kollaboration und Community im Coworking (SoSe 2018)
  • Seminar: Empirisches Seminar Soziale Netzwerkanalyse (WiSe 2017/18)
  • Seminar: Koordination und Wissenstransfer in inter-org. Beziehungen (SoSe 2016)
  • Seminar: Geschäftsmodelle in der Sharing Economy (SoSe 2015)
  • Seminar: Wissenstransfer in multinationalen Unternehmen (SoSe 2013)
  • Praxisprojekt: Employer Branding in KMUs (WiSe 2014/15)

  • Promotion
  • Seminar: Forschungsseminar für DoktorandInnen (seit WiSe 2017/18)


  • Wilhelm, H.; Steigenberger, N.; Weber, C.E.; Juntunen, J.; Ebers, M. (2023): (No) Time for change: When and why entrepreneurs act during underperforming fundraising attempts. Organization Science, recently accepted for publication. [VHB Jourqual 3: A+]
  • Tetzlaff, B.; Scherer, M.; Balzer, K.; Steyer, L.; Köpke, S.; Friede, T.; Maurer, I.; Weber, C.E.; König. H.-H.; Konnopka, A.; Ruppel, T.; Mazur, A.; Hummers, E.; Müller, C.A. (2023). Development of an interprofessional person-centred care concept for persons with care needs living in their own homes (interprof HOME): study protocol for a mixed methods study. BMJ Open, 13: e06959: 1-9. [VHB Jourqual 3: -]
  • Weber, C.E.; Maurer, I. (2023). Knowledge acquisition from host-country partners: The interplay of trust and legal safeguards. Journal of World Business, 58 (2): 1–14. [VHB Jourqual 3: B]
  • Weber, C.E.; Steigenberger, N.; Wilhelm, H. (2023). After successful fundraising: How overfunding and category spanning affect the release and audience-perceived quality of crowdfunded products. Small Business Economics, in print. [VHB Jourqual 3: B]
  • Gärtner, L.; Kortkamp, C.; Müller, C.; Tetzlaff, B.; Fleischmann, N.; Weber, C.E.; Scherer, M.; Kühn, A.; Jarchow, A.-M.; Lüth, F.; Köpke, S.; Friede, T.; König, H.H.; Hummers, E.; Maurer, I.; Balzer, K. (2022). Implementation, mechanisms of change and contextual factors of a complex intervention to improve interprofessional collaboration and the quality of medical care for nursing home residents: Study protocol of the process evaluation of the interprof ACT intervention package. Trials, 23(1): 1-21. [VHB Jourqual 3: -]
  • Weber, C.E.; Kortkamp, C.; Maurer, I.; Hummers, E. (2022). Boundary work in response to professionals’ contextual constraints: Micro-strategies in interprofessional collaboration. Organization Studies, 43(9): 1453-1477. [VHB Jourqual 3: A]
  • Weber, C.E.; Okraku, M.; Mair, J., Maurer, I. (2021). Steering the transition from informal to formal service provision: labor platforms in emerging-market countries. Socio-Economic Review, 19(4): 1217–1243. [VHB Jourqual 3: B]
  • Abel, R.; Bort, S.; Maurer, I.; Weber, C.E.; Wilhelm, H. (2020). Tensions in portfolios of temporary organizations: How project portfolio maturity attenuates the negative effects of portfolio ambidexterity. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 67: 209-231. [VHB Jourqual 3: B]
  • Weber, C.E.; Chahabadi, D.; Maurer, I. (2020). Antecedents and performance effect of managerial misperception of institutional differences. Journal of World Business, 55 (1): 1-18. [VHB Jourqual 3: B]
  • Weber, C.E.; Chahabadi, D.; Maurer, I. (2017). Managerial misperception of differences between home and host countries – Antecedents and effect. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. Online ISSN: 2151-6561.
  • Weber, C.E. (2017) Knowledge, trust, and misperception across institutional environments – Evidence from the German renewable-energy industry. Dissertation. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.

Konferenzbeiträge / Vorträge / Invited Workshops:

  • 2023: Making it work but keeping it small – Professionals’ engagement with self-initiated change. Paper accepted for presentation at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA (co-authored with M. Diel and C. Kortkamp).
  • 2023: Entwicklung des interprofessionellen personenzentrierten Versorgungskonzepts interprof HOME für Personen mit Pflegebedarf, die in ihrer eigenen Häuslichkeit leben: eine Mixed-Methods Studie. Paper accepted for presentation at the Kongress für Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin (DEGAM), Berlin, Germany (co-authored with B. Tetzlaff, A. Mazur, U. Sekanina, T. Huckle, R. Dano, C. Höckelmann, A. Kühn, M. Diel, L. Bremer, S. Kuba, I. Maurer, K. Balzer, S. Köpke, M. Scherer, E. Hummers, and C. A. Müller).
  • 2023: How non-professional actors manage professional actors in home care. Paper presented at the 39th EGOS Colloquium, Cagliari, Italy (co-authored with M. Diel and I. Maurer).
  • 2023: Continuous connectivity: How intermittently dispersed actors in interprofessional dyadic routines use temporal, spatial, and role-based adaptations for continuing routines. Paper presented at the 14th International Process Symposium (PROS), Chania, Greece (co-authored with C. Kortkamp).
  • 2023: How non-professional actors manage the collaboration and work processes of professional actors in home care. Paper presented at the 14th International Process Symposium (PROS), Chania, Greece (co-authored with M. Diel and I. Maurer).
  • 2023: When do incumbents’ top management teams identify market entrants as competitors? Paper presented at the 3rd Competitive Dynamics Conference, Imperial College, London, UK (co-authored with H. Wilhelm, K. Klein and S. Albers)
  • 2022: Not so perfect after all: Overfunding, category spanning, and development outcomes of crowdfunded products. Paper presented at the 38th EGOS Colloquium, Vienna, Austria (co-authored with N. Steigenberger and H. Wilhelm).
  • 2022: Interaction-based services and virtual work: Video consultations in primary care during COVID-19. Paper presented at the 13th Organisational Behaviour in Health Care (OBHC) Conference, Birmingham, UK (co-authored with M. Diel and C. Kortkamp).
  • 2021: interprof HOME: Entwicklung und Testung eines interprofessionellen personenzentrierten Versorgungskonzeptes für in der Häuslichkeit lebenden Patient*innen (Studiendesign). Paper presented at the Kongress für Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin (DEGAM), Lübeck, Germany (co-authored with A. Mazur, C. Müller, K. Balzer, T. Friede, L. Gärtner, H.-H. König, A. Konnopka, S. Köpke, I. Maurer, T. Ruppel, M. Scherer, B. Tetzlaff, E. Hummers).
  • 2021: The ready-made network: Networking and exchange activity of independent workers in coworking spaces. Paper presented at the virtual 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, virtual meeting (co-authored with J. Klutt).
  • 2021: How overfunding and category spanning affect release and quality of crowdfunded products. Paper presented at the virtual 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, virtual meeting (co-authored with N. Steigenberger and H. Wilhelm).
  • 2021: Upholding of routines in interprofessional collaboration: A qualitative study in nursing homes. Paper invited for presentation at the virtual 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, virtual meeting (co-authored with C.P. Kortkamp).
  • 2021: Creating proximity at a distance: A qualitative study of video consultation between General Practitioners and patients in Germany. Paperpresented at the 37th EGOS Colloquium, virtual meeting, hosted by VU Amsterdam (co-authored with C.P. Kortkamp and I. Maurer).
  • 2021: The ready-made network: Networking and exchange activity of independent workers in coworking spaces. Paper presented at the 37th EGOS Colloquium, virtual meeting, hosted by VU Amsterdam (co-authored with J. Klutt).
  • 2021: Steering the transition from informal to formal service provision: Labor platforms in emerging-market countries. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), virtual meeting (co-authored with M. Okraku, J. Mair and I. Maurer).
  • 2020: Tensions in portfolios of temporary organizations: How project portfolio maturity attenuates the negative effects of portfolio ambidexterity. Paper presented at the PDW "For a limited time only: A practice-based view of strategizing in temporary organizations" at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, virtual meeting (co-authored with R. Abel, S. Bort, I. Maurer, H. Wilhelm).
  • 2020: Boundary work and contextual demands: Micro-strategies in interprofessional collaboration. Paper presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, virtual meeting (co-authored with C.P. Kortkamp and I. Maurer).
  • 2020: Flexible upholding of routines in interprofessional collaboration: A qualitative study in German nursing homes. Paper presented at the 36th EGOS Colloquium, virtual meeting, hosted by University of Hamburg (co-authored with C.P. Kortkamp).
  • 2020: Micro-strategies to enforce competing demands in interprofessional collaboration: The case of geriatric nurses and general practitioners in German nursing homes. Paper presented at the 12th Organisational Behaviour in Health Care (OBHC) Conference, Manchester, UK, virtual meeting (co-authored with C.P. Kortkamp und I. Maurer).
  • 2020: Bringing control back in: Using coworking spaces for motivation-as-control in independent work. Paper presented at the Journal of Management Studies & Society for Advancement of Management Studies Special Conference on “The Future of Work”, Birmingham, UK, virtual meeting (co-authored with J. Klutt).
  • 2020: Steering the transitioning from informal to formal service provision: The case of labor platforms in emerging markets. Paper presented at the colloquium „Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt“, TU Berlin, Institut für Soziologie (co-authored with M. Okraku, J. Mair, I. Maurer).
  • 2019: Bringing control back in: Using coworking spaces for motivation-as-control in independent work. Paper presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA (co-authored with J. Klutt).
  • 2019: Competing demands in interprofessional collaboration between geriatric nurses and general practitioners – Reconfiguration practices in German nursing homes. Paper presented at the 35th EGOS Colloquium, Edinburgh, Scotland (co-authored with C.P. Kortkamp und I. Maurer).
  • 2019: Tensions between unknown and familiar alliances: The moderation effect of alliance portfolio maturity. Paper presented at the 35th EGOS Colloquium, Edinburgh, Scotland (co-authored with R. Abel, S. Bort, I. Maurer, H. Wilhelm).
  • 2019: Platform organizations as institutional intermediaries: Formalization effects on employment relationships in emerging markets. Paper presented at the 35th EGOS Colloquium, Edinburgh, Scotland (co-authored with M. Okraku, I. Maurer, and J. Mair).
  • 2018: Platform organizations in emerging markets: Creating trust under conditions of high uncertainty and liability of newness. Paper presented at the U4 SSEL Cluster Conference on Current Challenges for a Sustainable Future, Goettingen, Germany (co-authored with M. Okraku, I. Maurer, and J. Mair).
  • 2018: Constructing new working environments: Community organization in co-working spaces. Paper presented at the U4 SSEL Cluster Conference on Current Challenges for a Sustainable Future, Goettingen, Germany (co-authored with J. Klutt).
  • 2018: Unknown and familiar: Gradations of temporality in alliance portfolios. Invited presentation at the 4th Workshop of the Scientific Network “Temporary Organizing” in Berlin, Germany (co-authored with R. Abel, S. Bort, I. Maurer, H. Wilhelm).
  • 2018: Constructing transactional confidence under conditions of institutional uncertainties: Social and technological micro solutions of platform-based organizations in emerging markets. Paper invited for presentation at the 44th European International Business Academy Conference, Poznań, Poland (co-authored with M. Okraku, I. Maurer, and J. Mair).
  • 2018: Constructing transactional confidence under conditions of institutional uncertainties: Social and technological micro solutions of platform-based organizations in emerging markets. Paper presented at the 34th EGOS Colloquium, Tallinn, Estonia (co-authored with M. Okraku, I. Maurer, and J. Mair).
  • 2018: Organizing new ways of working: The interplay between governance and the construction of a community. Paper invited for presentation at the 8th Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) Workshop in Amsterdam, Netherlands (co-authored with J. Klutt).
  • 2017: Partner selection and trust in inter-organizational relationships. Paper presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA. The paper was selected as a finalist paper for the 2017 OMT Best Student Paper Award.
  • 2017: Managerial misperception of differences between home and host countries - Antecedents and effect. Paper presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA (co-authored with D. Chahabadi and I. Maurer). The paper is included in the Academy of Management Annual Meeting Best Paper Proceedings 2017.
  • 2017: Expanding performance feedback theory to temporary organizations. Paper presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA. (co-authored with H. Wilhelm, N. Steigenberger, and J. Juntunen).
  • 2017: Partner selection and trust in inter-organizational relationships: The role of selection effort and selection criteria. Paper presented at the 33rd EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • 2017: Internationalization in the Sharing Economy - Business model adaptation for emerging markets. Research project presented at the 4th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, Lund, Sweden (co-authored with M. Okraku and I. Maurer).
  • 2016: Managerial misperception of differences between home and host countries - An empirical study on antecedents and performance effect. Paper presented at the European International Business Academy (EIBA) Annual Conference, Vienna, Austria (co-authored with D. Chahabadi and I. Maurer).
  • 2016: Managerial misperception of institutional differences between home and host countries - An empirical study on its antecedents and performance effect. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society (SMS), Berlin, Germany (co-authored with D. Chahabadi and I. Maurer).
  • 2016: Finding someone to trust: Partnership formation in international inter-organizational relationships. Paper accepted for presentation at the McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, Vaasa, Finland.
  • 2016: Effects of inter-organizational and institutional trust on knowledge acquisition across borders. Paper presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA (co-authored with I. Maurer).
  • 2015: Dimensions of inter-organizational and institutional-based trust and their joint effects on knowledge acquisition in cross-border partnerships. Paper presented at Stanford University, USA (co-authored with I. Maurer).
  • 2015: Dimensions of inter-organizational and institutional-based trust and their joint effects on knowledge acquisition in cross-border partnerships. Paper presented at the 31st EGOS Colloquium, Athens, Greece (co-authored with I. Maurer).
  • 2015: Acquiring knowledge from local partners: The role of inter-organizational and institutional trust in international relationships of market-seeking firms. Paper presented at ANZIBA 2015 Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
  • 2013: Internationalization Strategies: Old Questions, New Contexts. Medici Summer School in Management Studies of NYU Stern, HEC Paris, Alma Graduate School, Florence, Italy.
  • 2013: The institutional and relational embeddedness of multinational enterprises. Research project presented at the PhD Seminar "Strategy within markets as disciplinary structures", HEC Paris, France.