Completed Dissertations


  • Karthäuser J (2024) Utilization of Lignin Cleavage Products from Vacuum Low-Temperature Microwave-Assisted Pyrolysis for the Substitution of Phenol in Phenol-Formaldehyde Resins for the Modification of Wood by Impregnation
  • Yang T (2024) Fabrication of Multidimensional Sustainable Materials from Wood via Alkaline Periodate Oxidation
  • Chen W (2024) Interactions between Water and Cellulose Esters
  • Xu D (2024) Dehydration behavior of hydrogels

  • 2023:

  • Siedenburg M (2023) Neue Wege bei der stofflichen Verwertung von expandiertem Maisschrot
  • Kuqo A (2023) Seagrass as a Sustainable Alternative for Building Materials: Assessing its Feasibility, Processing Methods, and Performance in Construction
  • Kurkowiak K (2023) Wood modification based on in-situ esterification of Pinus sylvestris with citric acid and sorbitol

  • 2022:

  • Imken A (2022) Herstellung von Holzfaserdämmstoffen auf Laub- und Nadelholzbasis mit dem Fokus auf der Fasercharakterisierung, sowie der Ermittlung der physikalischen, mechanischen und biologischen Eigenschaften
  • Bütün Buschalsky Y. F. (2022) MDF Recycling: Recovering fibres from fibreboards for further material utilisation with a focus on the chemical and morphological alteration of the recovered fibres
  • Zeng K (2022) N-Containing Biomass for the Sustainable Synthesis of N-Heterocycles via Cyclization Reactions
  • Zhang H (2022) Materials Design and Engineering for High Energy density Rechargeable Zinc-air Batteries
  • Ostendorf K (2022) Applikation naturnaher Bindemittel zur Herstellung von Holzfaserdämmstoffen mittels Heißluft-/Heißdampf-Verfahren

  • 2021:

  • Owis E (2021) Bioinformatics and Biotechnological Applications of Laccases from Coprinopsis cinerea
  • Zia A (2021) Unlocking proteomic and ecological hererogeneity between Schizophyllum commune and Trametes versicolor as early sapwood
  • Starck M (2021) Impregnation of railway sleepers - Process optimisation by using an oily wood preservative and a mechanical pre-treatment
  • Barth S (2021) Physikalisch-technologische Untersuchungen zur Faserstofferzeugung für die Herstellung von Holzfaserdämmstoffen
  • Emmerich L (2021) Wood Modification with Cyclic n-Methylol and n-Methyl Compounds - Studies on the Mode of Action
  • Sauerbier P (2021) Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment of Wood and Wood-based Products – Treatment by Dielectric Barrier Discharge for Adhesion Improvement and Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Spray for Coating Application
  • Pauli M (2021) Entwicklung von Spanplatten mit besonderen Eigenschaften auf der Basis von minderwertigen Laubholzsortimenten
  • Yao Y (2021) Self-assembly of Carbohydrates Esters
  • Pham Van T (2021) Investigation of the effects of raw material density and molecular weight of phenolic resin binders on the properties of lightweight panels based on Paulownia wood
  • Nelis PA (2021) Untersuchungen zum Effekt von Dichte auf mechanische und hygrische Eigenschaften von Spanplatten und Massivholz am Beispiel von Paulownia.

  • 2020:

  • Ackermann T (2020) Entwicklung eines innovativen, flexiblen Verbundwerkstoffes
  • Brinker SF (2020) Erhöhung der Reaktivität von Isocyanatklebstoffen für die Anwendung in der Holzwerkstoffindustrie
  • Butschkow J (2021) Effizienzsteigerung von naturfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen für den automobilen Leichtbau
  • Köhler R (2020) Atmosphärisches Pulver Plasma-Spritzen – Ein Schichtsystem auf Basis von Polyester und Bismutoxid als Holzschutz
  • Meder MA (2020) Ursachen der Rissbildung bei Direktbeschichtungen mit melaminharzimprägnierten Papieren
  • Pang B (2020) Pickering emulsions stabilized by polysaccharides-based micro/nanoparticles
  • Liu H (2020) Self-Assembly of Surface-Acylated Cellulose Nanowhiskers
  • Wang J (2020) Novel nanostructured materials from cellulose esters
  • Achale TA (2020): Einsatz von Einjahrespflanzenrückständen und dem Schirmbaum (Musanga cecropioides) als Rohstoffe für eine emissionsarme Spanplattenproduktion
  • Wang S (2020) Amphiphilic carbohydrate-containing compounds for multifunctional nano/macro structures.
  • Wang X (2020) Functional Nanocomposite Hydrogels Based on Cellulose Nanocrystals.
  • Peiwen L (2020) Periodate oxidation of cellulose
  • Rühlicke S (2020) Saccharides as renewable resources for novel functional materials.
  • Fuchs P (2020) Kupfer-katalysierte Azid-Alkin-Cycloaddition zur Modifikation von Kohlenhydraten.

  • 2019:

  • Behr G (2019) The influence of melamine treatment in combination with thermal modification on the properties and performance of native hardwoods
  • Krause KC (2019) Performance of Wood-Polypropylene Composites made of Alternative Wood Sources
  • Hopf-Biziks A (2019) Weiterführende Untersuchungen zur Populationsdynamik und Pathogenität des Kiefernholznematoden, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Buhrer) Nickle 1970 sowie seiner nicht-vektorassoziierten Übertragung auf Pinus sylvestris
  • Herzog S (2019): Entwicklung von innovativen und emissionsarmen Bindemitteln auf Basis von Aminosilan/Aminoplast zur Herstellung von Holzwerkstoffen
  • Bicke S (2019) Dimensionsstabile und pilzresistente Furnierwerkstoffe durch Zellwandmodifizierung mit niedermolekularem Phenol-Formaldehyd.
  • Koddenberg T (2019) Three-dimensional x-ray micro-computed tomography imaging for applications to the structural characterization of wood
  • Kielmann BC (2019) Färbung und Farbstabilisierung von Massivholz mit niedrigmolekularen Melamin- und Phenol-Kondensationsharzen
  • Tregret F (2019) Heißwasserextraktion von Fichtenholzspänen (Picea abies) mit dem Ziel der Gewinnung von Hemicellulosen sowie anschließende Herstellung von Holzspanplatten.
  • Schlotzhauer P (2019) Strength grading and selected strength properties of European hardwoods
  • Wentzel M (2019) Process optimization of thermal modification of Chilean Eucalyptus nitens plantation wood
  • Peters F (2019) Vergleich dielektrisch behinderter Entladungen bezüglich der physikalischen Eigenschaften und der Wirkung auf Holz und Holzwerkstoffe
  • Heqin H (2019) Dynamic heterogeneous hydrogels with cellulose nanocrystals.

  • 2018:

  • Eichhorn S (2018) Entwicklung neuartiger mit Polyurethan gebundener Holzfaserdämmstoffe geringer Rohdichte.
  • Fleckenstein M (2018) Technische Lignine als biobasiertes Ausgangsmaterial zur Substitution von erdölbasiertem Phenol in Phenol-Formaldehyd-Harzen
  • Hünnekens B (2018) Influence of plasma treatment under atmospheric pressure on surface characteristics and adhesion properties of wood-polymer composites (WPC)
  • Lütkemeier B (2018) Kleben von modifiziertem Vollholz – Gestaltung des Grenzbereichs zur Steuerung von Verklebungsmechnismen.
  • Klüppel A (2018) Untersuchungen zur Dauerhaftigkeit von kunstharz-modifiziertem Holz bei Verwendung in Meerwasserkontakt.
  • Wallenhorst LM (2017) Protective particle coatings applied by cold plasma spraying.
  • Kirsch A (2017) Produktion von laccase-mediatorgebundenen Holzfaserwerkstoffen mittels eines beschleunigten Inkubationsprozesses
  • Gascón-Garrido P (2017) Treatment of wood with siloxanes and metal micro-particle deposition using plasma technology
  • Wang Y (2017) Novel Functional Nanomaterials from Stearoylated and Undecenoated Cellulose Esters
  • Bin Bahari S (2017) Properties of Bamboo-Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Composites

  • 2016:

  • Altgen M (2016) Impact of process conditions in open and closed reactor systems on the properties of thermally modified wood
  • Burnett-Barking MP (2016) Entwicklung von leichten, dreischichtigen Sandwichverbundplatten unter Verwendung des Agrarrohstoffes Mais
  • Teuber L (2016) Evaluation of particle and fibre degradation during processing of wood plastic composites (WPC) using dynamic image analysis
  • Bastani A (2016) Bondability of modified wood

  • 2015:

  • Herz F (2015): Saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass for bioethanol production with special emphasis on short rotation trees, forest hardwoods, and cascade used wood panels.
  • Willems PMW (2015): Physical modeling of moisture content and fungal resistance properties of thermally modified timber
  • Avramidis G (2015) Surface Analytics of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treated Wood and Wood-Based Materials
  • Himmel S (2015) Formaldehyd in Holz und Holzwerkstoffen - Wirkungsmechanismen, Nachweis- und Vorhersagemethoden
  • Hosseinpourpia R (2015) Influence of impregnation, chemical and thermal wood modification on properties related to sorption, tensile strength and resistance to Fentons reagent
  • Link C (2015) Entwicklung von emissionsarmen Spanplatten unter der Beimischung von Rindenanteilen einheimischer Baumarten

  • 2014:

  • Friese F (2014) Entwicklung von Sandwich-Spanplatten aus geringwertigem Buchenholz (Fagus sylvatica L.) und Holzsortimenten aus Kurzumtriebsplantagen zur Entlastung des Nadelholzmarktes
  • Hönig T (2014) Produkt- und Prozessparameter naturfaserverstärkter Thermoplaste
  • Pries M (2014) Treatment of solid wood with silanes, polydimethylsiloxanes and silica sols

  • 2013:

  • Lopes DB (2013) Technological improvement of Portuguese pinewood by chemical modification.
  • Mahnert KC (2013) Entwicklung eines nichttragenden Bodenbelages für den Schiffbau auf Basis ausgewählter Verfahren der Holzmodifizierung. Sierke Verlag
  • Muhammad Shabir Mahr (2013) Wood modification with titania and silica based precursors: A novel approach to prepare multifunctional sol-gel derived TiO 2 /SiO 2 wood-inorganic composites

  • 2012:

  • Siewert M (2012) Untersuchung dreischichtiger Spanplatten aus den nachwachsenden Rohstoffen Holz und geschäumter Maisstärke
  • Müller M (2012) Influence of wood modification on the properties of polyvinyl chloride based wood polymer composites (WPC)
  • Xiao Z (2012) Properties of Wood Modified with Glutaraldehyde
  • Zhang, C (2012) Genetic analysis of aspen (Populus tremula L. and Populus tremuloides Michx.) in a diversity experiment

  • 2011:

  • Bollmus S (2011) Biologische und technologische Eigenschaften von Buchenholz nach einer Modifizierung mit 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroyethyleneurea (DMDHEU)
  • Gellerich A (2011) Effect of water glass, silane and DMDHEU treatment on the colonisation of wood by sapstaining fungi
  • Güttel D (2011) Secretome analysis in higher basidiomycetes : freely secreted and cell wall proteins from Coprinopsis cinerea
  • Lee SJ (2011) Modifizierte anorganische Polymere als Klebstoffe und Brandschutzmittel für Holzwerkstoffe
  • Lehringer C (2011) Permeability improvement of Norway spruce wood with the white rot fungus (Physisporinus vitreus).
  • Pena R (2011) Functional diversity of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) ectomycorrhizas with respect to nitrogen nutrition in response to plant carbon supply
  • Scholz G (2011) Veredelung von Massivholz mit heißschmelzenden Wachsen
  • Vetter G (2011) Behandlung von Vollholz und Spänen mit Silanen

  • 2010:

  • Cherdchim B (2010) Actions of lignocellulolytic enzymes on Abies grandis (grand fir) wood for application in biofuel production
  • Ghosh SC (2010) Wood modification with functionalized polydimethylsiloxanes
  • Grüneberg T (2010) Improvement of selected properties of Wood-Polymer Composites (WPC) - Silane modification of wood particles
  • Hundhausen U (2010) Cyclic Anhydrides and Ketene Dimer for the Modification of Particleboard Chips. Sierke Verlag
  • Janz D (2010) Gene expression profiling and ecophysiological analyses of Populus euphratica and Populus canescens in response to salt stress
  • Rachmayanti Y (2010) Isolation of DNA from unprocessed and processed wood of Dipterocarpaceae
  • Sint KM (2010) Promoting Utilization Potential of Bombax ceiba Linn and Bombax insigne Wall Promoting Utilization Potential of Bombax ceiba Linn and Bombax insigne Wall through Enhancement of Wood Quality and Technological Properties by Modification with Melamine Resin by Modification with Melamine Resin. Sierke Verlag
  • Sunaryo W (2010) Secondary growth in the Arabidopsis hypocotyl
  • Trinh HM (2010) Veneer Modification for the Production of Exterior Plywood
  • Vidalis A (2010) Patterns of nucleotide variation and gene-associated SNP analysis in a Quercus spp. forest at isocitrate dehydrogenase genes

  • 2009:

  • Chaisaena W (2009) Light effects on fruiting body development of wildtype in comparison to light-insensitive mutant strains of the basidiomycete Coprinopsis cinerea, grazing of mites (Tyrophagus putrescentiae) on the strains and production of volatile organic compounds during fruiting body development
  • Dieste A (2009) Wood-water relationships in water modified with 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxy ethylene urea (DMDHEU)
  • Nga PN (2009) Molecular phylogeny of Southeast-Asian Dipterocarps belonging to tribe Dipterocarpeae (family Dipterocarpaceae) based on non-coding sequence data of chloroplast and nuclear DANN
  • Nuroniah HS (2009) Diagnostic markers for the identification of the tree species Shorea leprosula Miq. and S. parvifolia Dyer and the geographic origin of S. leprosula Miq.
  • Rühl M (2009) Laccases and other ligninolytic enzymes of the basidiomycetes Coprinopsis cinerea and Pleurotus ostreatus : submerged and solid state fermentation, morphological studies of liquid cultures and characterisation of new laccases
  • Wolkenhauer A (2009) Plasma Treatment of Wood and Wood-based Materials by Dielectric Barrier Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure

  • 2008:

  • Eliades N (2008) Fingerprinting of genetic diversity and patterns of spatial genetic variation in the endemic tree Cedrus brevifolia (Hook f.) Henry from Cyprus: implications for its conservation
  • Elobeid M (2008) Physiology of Auxin in Response to Environmental Stress and Heavy Metal Pollution
  • Akinnagbe A, (2008) Genetic variation in Mansonia altissima A. Chev. and Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum under different regimes of human impact in akure forest reserve, Nigeria
  • Rana R (2008) Correlation between anatomical/chemical wood properties and genetic markers as a means of wood certification
  • Thakeow P (2008) Development of a basic biosensor system for wood degradation using volatile organic compound
  • Fayyaz P (2008) Effects of salt stress on ecophysiological and molecular characteristics of Populus euphratica Oliv., Populus x canescens (Aiton) Sm. and Arabidopsis thaliana L
  • Minh NH (2008) Wood modification with hydrophobation textile finishing agents
  • Rehn LP (2008) Physikalisch-chemische Untersuchungen an plasmabehandelten Holzoberflächen
  • Neff AR (2008) Aufbereitung von Holzhackschnitzeln zur energetischen Verwertung - unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Qualitätsparameter

  • 2007:

  • Hawighorst P (2007) Sodium and calcium uptake, transport and allocation in Populus euphratica and Populus x canescens in response to salinity
  • Carillo-Parra A (2007) Technological investigation of Prosopis laevigata wood from northeast Mexico
  • Derero A (2007) Genetic variation in Cordia africana Lam. in Ethiopia
  • Poorkhabbaz A (2007) The influence of air pollution on plane (Platanus orientalis L.)
  • Le Fur X (2007) Analysis and optimization of the structure of Oriented Strand Boards (OSB)
  • Pemmasani JK (2007) Stress responses to wood and wood-derived volatiles using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model system for biological monitoring

  • 2006:

  • Larnoy E (2006) The use of chitosan as a wood protecting agent
  • Wepner F (2006) Entwicklung eines Modifizierungsverfahrens für Buchenfurniere (Fagus sylvatica L.) auf Basis von zyklischen N-Methylol-Verbindungen
  • Krause A (2006) Holzmodifizierung mit N-Methylolvernetzern
  • Srivilai P (2006) Molecular analysis of genes acting in fruiting body development in basidiomycetes
  • Weigenand O (2006) Wood modification with different types of silicon compounds
  • Treu A (2006) Development and optimisation of a combined wood preservation process by means of water repellents
  • Velagapudi R (2006) Extracellular matrix proteins in growth and fruiting body development of straw and wood degrading basidiomycetes
  • Kilaru S (2006) Identification of fungal multi-copper oxidase gene families : overexpression and characterization of Coprinopsis cinerea laccases for applications in biotechnology
  • Dwivedi RC (2006) Extracellular proteins from lignocellulose degrading basidiomycetes : redox enzymes from Trametes versicolor and Coprinopsis cinerea
  • Xie, Y (2006) Surface properties of wood modified with cyclic N-methylol compounds

  • 2005:

  • Luo Z (2005) Wood qualitiy, carbon and nitrogen partitioning, and gene expression profiling in Populus exposed to free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) and N-fertilization
  • Donath S (2005) Treatment of wood with silanes