B-FAST: Bundesweites Forschungsnetz „Angewandte Surveillance und Testung“
Partner: UMG, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Uniklinik Köln, MRI (TU München)
Project duration: 08/2020 - 03/2021
Funding: Supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Methods: Qualitative Methods, Cost and Risk Factor Analysis
In the joint project B-FAST, a technical platform is to be developed. The aim is to collect and integrate information and knowledge about the pandemic in a structured way. Test and monitoring ideas will be trialled and evaluated in various application areas. In addition to random samples from the population, data from risk areas such as hospitals, nursing homes, schools and daycare centers as well as cultural and sports facilities will be included in the study.
An interoperable monitoring tool is to be developed and first established. It will help to better understand the relationship between infection characteristics and to prevent nosocomial and work-related infections.
The DHRG assumes the task of cost analysis with regard to academic structures, risk assessment and success factors. In addition, the estimation of the organizational and technical maintenance expenses of the system is conducted. The goal for the DHRG is the identification of the most critical cost factors of the project and the derivation of recommendations for action.