Arbeitspaket Ackerbau
Research questions:
- What are the livelihood strategies now and in +20 years for farms operating across the climatic gradients in Limpopo? At the farm level:
- Which management strategies or combinations, lead to the most stable yields (grain or forage) and highest resource use efficiencies under conditions of increased rainfall variability?
Strong linkage between experimental field work and process-based crop modelling
Finished studies:
- "The role of homegardens in the face of climate variability and their contribution to dietary diversification in rural villages of Limpopo, RSA" - Wiebke Beushausen
- "Heterogeneity of soil fertility in smallholder farming systems in Limpopo, RSA" - Sala Alanda Lamega
- "Extent and reasons of changes in plant composition and management of homegardens in rural areas of Limpopo Province, RSA" - Thomas Bringhenti
- "Finding Opportunities for Managing Climate Risk in Highly Resource Constrained Crop Based Smallholder Farming System of the Limpopo Basin" - Gabriel Lekalakala