Masterarbeiten in 2024

  • Behlert, Emily:
  • Anthropological Examination of Human Remains from different Concentrations of the Early Neolithic Site of Herxheim

  • Behrendt, Clara Luise:
  • PCR-based Detection of Different Pathogens Associated with Historical Typhoid Fever of Skeletal Material of Napoleonic Soldiers

  • Bretschneider, Anna:
  • PCR-based investigation of DNA fragmentation in ancient skeletal remains

  • Connemann, Marie:
  • DNA Phenotyping of Single Samples – Implementation of SNaPshot Multiplex Systems for Reconstruction of Hair, Iris, and Skin Pigmentation with Focus on Degraded DNA

  • Kloos, Jasmine:
  • Evaluating metrical methods for sex determination on Central European skeletal collections of four different time periods

  • Koch, Leonie Alicia:
  • Biographical events reflected on the skeleton – Morphological and histological examinations of an Early Modern skeleton series from Wolfenbüttel

  • Tenorio, Katharina:
  • Development and optimization of PCR-based analysis systems for detection of Y. pestis in medieval skeletal series from Creußen and Lübeck