Guidelines for Academic Papers in Linguistics

Guide to finding information about academic papers in linguistics at the English Department (term papers as well as B.A. and M.A. final theses); includes links to key documents and quick links to various sources of help.


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A general guideline for issues of content and style is made available by Purdue University. This guideline is applicable to all levels of our programmes. Nevertheless, individual instructors may differ with regard to the particular expectations in terms of topic areas and theoretical background, so contact your instructor or a potential supervisor as early as possible to discuss and define possible topics. A rich source for finding a topic -beyond continuing research on a topic you studied in class- is browsing the academic journals which are available at the central library SUB. You should start your search for secondary literature at the SUB: most of the linguistic journals are available in print or online. Working with journal papers and books always raises the question: “Should I cite this?” Find an answer in following the flowchart. At the end of your paper or thesis you are expected to confirm that all the work submitted for assessment is your own work except you have explicitly indicated otherwise. (Plagiarism Declaration)

There are similar guidelines for writing academic papers and theses listed on the academic writing website of the Anglophone Literature and Culture division, and you can be sure that the general conception of what you are supposed to do is overlapping in both areas. It goes without saying that depending on the object of investigation, your work is to be adjusted to the conventions of the scientific community of the respective discipline.

You have to register your final thesis at the Examination Office of the Faculty of Humanities; find further details and documents on the homepage.