Dr. Damiaan Persyn
Current position:
- Thünen Institute - Institute of Rural Economics, Höxter
- Spatial interaction modelling
- Regional labour markets
- Migration
- PhD in Economics, University of Leuven (2010)
- M.Sc. in Economics, University of Leuven (2007)
- M.Sc. in Statistics, University of Leuven (2003)
- Dipl. Volkswirt, Humboldt University Berlin (2002)
- Kandidaat in de Economische Wetenschappen, KUBrussel (1999)
- European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Seville site (2012-2021)
- Lecturer, University of Antwerp, Faculty of business and economics (2012-2013)
- Post-doctoral and Pre-doctoral Researcher, LICOS and VIVES KULeuven
- "International Macroeconomics and Agriculture" (University of Göttingen, SS 2021)
- "International Food and Agricultural Trade" (University of Hohenheim, SS 2021)
- "Economic and Environmental Policy" (University of Hohenheim, WS 21/22)
- Dutch, English, Spanish, German, French
Personal website: Dr. Damiaan Persyn
Research interests: