Glossar der Universität Deutsch/Englisch
Das Glossar enthält deutsche Begriffe und ihre entsprechenden englischen Übersetzungen bzw. Erklärungen. Dabei handelt es sich sowohl um universitätsspezifische Begriffe (z.B. Namen einzelner Institute oder Fakultäten) als auch um Begriffe, die im universitären Kontext gebraucht werden (z.B. häufig genutzte Begriffe der Verwaltung oder von Drittmittelgebern wie der DFG).
Das Glossar soll klare, nützliche Übersetzungen und Erklärungen liefern, um die Kommunikation mit internationalen Forschenden, Mitarbeiter*innen und Studierenden (sowohl innerhalb als auch außerhalb der Universität) zu erleichtern, Anträge auf Forschungsförderung zu verbessern und häufige Fehler zu vermeiden. Der rechtsverbindliche Begriff ist immer der deutsche Begriff. Die englischen Entsprechungen und Erklärungen werden zu Informationszwecken bereitgestellt.
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Das Glossar enthält zwar viele Begriffe, aber nicht alle, die Sie für Ihre Arbeit benötigen könnten. Bei Fragen bzw. bei noch nicht im Glossar enthaltenen Begriffen wenden Sie sich bitte an Melissa Sollich (Öffentlichkeitsarbeit,
Deutsch | Englisch / Notes |
Abrechnung von Reisekosten | 1. travel claims; 2. reimbursement of travel expenses |
Abschluss | 1. Hochschulabschluss - degree; university degree; successful completion of university coursework; (US) completed college 2. qualification; qualification awarded 3. Schulabschluss - school leaving certificate; school leaving qualifications; (US) high school diploma |
Abschlussarbeit | thesis (Bachelor/Master), dissertation (PhD) Note: at the undergraduate level, dissertation is more common in the UK, final thesis is more common in the US. |
Abschlusszeugnis (Schule) | Abschlusszeugnis (Schule): school leaving certificate, (US) diploma Abschlusszeugnis (Hochschule): examination certificate, (US) transcript final record (document listing final marks), degree certificate (Abschlussurkunde) |
Absichtserklärung | letter of intent |
Absolvent*in | 1. graduate 2. degree recipient (less common) |
Abteilung | Department Note: It is not always necessary. For example, "Abteilung Göttingen International" is translated to "Göttingen International". Some faculties use the German word "Department" as a larger version of an "Abteilung" - so a "Department" is made up of smaller "Abteilungen". In this case, the faculty rule should be followed. Translation of Abteilung could be team or group or it could be left out (as in the example here with Göttingen International). |
Abteilung Bioklimatologie | Bioclimatology Group |
Abteilung Humangeographie | Department of Human Geography |
Abteilung IT | 1. IT 2. IT Department |
Abteilung Öffentlichkeitsarbeit | 1. Public Relations 2. Public Relations Department |
Abteilung Personaladministration und Personalentwicklung | HR Department |
Abteilung Studium und Lehre | Student and Academic Services |
Akademische Jahresfeier | academic end-of-year celebration |
Akademische Personalentwicklung | Academic Staff Development Unit |
Akademischer Oberrat | Senior Lecturer Note: Akademischer Oberrat is generally a permanent post for an academic with responsibility for teaching and management with an academic rank approximately between lecturer and professor. |
Analyse und Transformationen von Text und Objekt |
Structures and Transformations of Texts and Objects Note: core topic of the University's research strategy updated 2023 |
Anerkennung (von Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen) | recognition of credits and qualifications |
Anerkennung (von Studienleistungen) | recognition of credits |
Angehörige | staff and students Note: try to avoid "members" and be specific about who you address, "Angehörige" may also include alumni or guests |
Annahmeerklärung | Declaration of Enrolment |
Antrag | proposal |
Antragsskizze | draft proposal |
antragstellende Hochschule, Universität | 1. host university 2. applying university |
Audit ‚berufundfamilie’ | Work and Family Audit |
Audit ‚Vielfalt gestalten’ | Diversity Audit |
Aula | the Aula Note: please refer to "the Aula" or "the Aula (Göttingen University's Great Hall)" |
Ausschlussfrist | 1. final deadline 2. closing date |
Außeruniversitäre Einrichtung | institutions outside the University |
Außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung | research institution outside the University |
Azubi (Auszubildender)/Ausbildung | apprentice/apprenticeship Note: An apprentice (Azubi) is a student who must complete an apprenticeship (Ausbildung) to graduate, similar to "Lehre". Azubis learn on the job. Note: the German word "Ausbildung" has a broad meaning to include all training. "Apprenticeship" means learning a trade, usually at a lower salary. If you are writing about a situation where a trainee does it without pay, it could be "vocational training" or "training to be X". |
BAföG (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz) | BAföG (Germany's Education Assistance Act) Note: can refer to the BAfög law or the actual maintenance grant/financial aid |
BAföG-Bescheinigung | certificate for §9 BAföG Note: BAfög (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz - Germany's education funding law) is financial support from the government which is awarded to students according to need. |
barriere-frei | accessible to all Note: Accessibility can also refer to websites (ease of reading) Note: It is useful to be specific about physical problems of the environment which bar accessibility, eg "not accessible to wheelchair users" or "limited accessibility for wheelchair users". Barrier-free would probably be understood in some contexts but is not widely used. For instance, "barriers to learning" might be used but this could have a range of meanings. |
Befürwortung der für die antragstellende/n Universität/en zuständigen Wissenschaftsbehörde/n des Bundeslandes oder der Bundesländer | endorsement by the science or research authority/authorities at the state level responsible for the applicant university/universities |
behindert | People with a disability / people who have a disability Note: "disabled people" can also be used Note: "handicapped" is an outdated term that is considered offensive. Please avoid. |
Bernstein Netzwerk Computational Neuroscience Deutschland | Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience |
beteiligte Universität/Einrichtung | participating university/institution |
beteiligte Wissenschaftler | participating researchers |
Betreuungsausschuss | Thesis advisory committee |
Biodiversitätsmuseum Göttingen | Biodiversity Museum Göttingen |
BLAB Lebenswissenschaftliches Schülerlabor (BLAB) | BLAB University’s school laboratory for Life Sciences |
Building a Sustainable Future |
Building a Sustainable Future Note: overarching strategic objective of the University's research strategy updated 2023 |
Bundesgesundheitsministeriums | Germany's Ministry of Health |
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) | Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
Campus Laboratory for Advanced Imaging, Microscopy and Spectroscopy (AIMS) | Campus Laboratory for Advanced Imaging, Microscopy and Spectroscopy (AIMS) |
Campus-Institut Data Science (CIDAS) | Campus Institute Data Science (CIDAS) |
Campuslabor Digitalisierung und computergestützte Analytik (DCA) | Campus Laboratory for Digitization and Computational Analytics (DCA) |
Chancengleichheit | equal opportunity Note: "equal opportunity" is more common in the UK, "equal opportunities" (in the plural form) is more common in the US. |
Charta ‚Familie in der Hochschule’ | Charter ‘Family Life and Academia’ |
Controlling | auditing, monitoring, or review Note: The word "control" and "controlling" is much stronger in English and usually means that something will be changed rather than checked. |
Corona | coronavirus Note: coronavirus (the virus) or Covid/Covid-19 (the illness) are used in international texts instead of corona, depending on the context. COVID/COVID-19 are correct in scientific texts (as it is an acronym). Covid/Covid-19 is correct in other texts (as Covid is pronounced as it is written as a word and not as a string of letters). |
Courant Forschungszentren | Courant Reseach Centre Note: Courant Research Centres were interdisciplinary centres for up to three junior research groups set up by the University, with the advice of external experts, to address innovative research topics) |
Creating Knowledge for Change |
Creating Knowledge for Change Note: overarching strategic objective of the University's research strategy updated 2023 |
Dekanat | Dean's Office |
Department für Agrarökonomie und Rurale Entwicklung | Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development |
Deutchlandstipendium (plural Deutschlandstipendien) | Deutschlandstipendium (Germany's scholarship for students) Note: the word should be used in the German with an explanation as needed. The scholarship (from the BMBF) includes financial support as well as other support (such as mentoring and networking). |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) | German Research Foundation (DFG) |
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) | German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) |
Deutsches Primatenzentrum (DPZ) | German Primate Center - Leibniz Institute for Primate Research (DPZ) Note: formal name in English which only needs to be used once at the beginning of an official text or table. Thereafter, it can be referred to as the German Primate Centre (DPZ). |
DFG Forschungsgruppe (FOR) | DFG Research Unit (FOR) |
DFG Graduiertenkolleg (GRK) | DFG Research Training Group Note: these are divided between DGF Research Training Groups (GRK) and International Research Training Groups (Internationales Graduiertenkolleg) |
Diversitätsstrategie | Diversity Strategy |
Diversity als Chance – Die Charta der Vielfalt der Unternehmen in Deutschland | Diversity Charter |
Doktormutter | PhD supervisor |
Doktorvater | PhD supervisor |
Dorothea-Schlözer-Programm | Dorothea Schlözer Programme |
Dr. | Dr Note: "Dr." can be used but isn't necessary especially as this is a contraction of "Doctor" and not an abbreviation. |
Drittmittel | Research grant funding Note: It is also acceptable to use "external funding". "Third party funding" is often used by EU funders and so you should use this term if this is your audience. However, it wouldn't be widely understood outside Germany/EU funding circles. |
Drittmittelgeförderte Projekte | Grant-funded research projects |
Einrichtung | 1. institute 2. facility (Note: this is often used for service departments) 3. institution (often this refers to a university or large organisation) |
Energiecontrolling | Energy Control Department Note: this is an office within a larger department and "control" here is being used to mean "monitoring". |
Erkenntnistransfer | knowledge transfer |
evangelische (esg) und die katholische (khg) Studierendengemeinde | The Protestant (esg) and Catholic (khg) student congregations Note: "evangelical" in everyday English is used to mean zealous and can be used in contexts that are not religious. It would not be widely used to mean "protestant". Note: lower case in DE and EN for esg and khg is correct in this case |
Experimentelles Praktikum | Hands-on training in the laboratory (equivalent to Laborpraktika) Note: "laboratory practicals" would also be fine and can refer to individual training events rather than a period of time spent in a laboratory learning |
Exzellenzcluster | Cluster of Excellence Note: this is research funding specific to German universities |
Exzellenzcluster Zentrum für Mikroskopie im Nanometerbereich und Molekularphysiologie des Gehirns (CNMPB) | Cluster of Excellence Nanoscale Microscopy and Molecular Physiology of the Brain |
Fachschaft | departmental student representatives |
Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften | Faculty of Agricultural Sciences |
Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie | Faculty of Biology and Psychology |
Fakultät für Chemie | Faculty of Chemistry |
Fakultät für Forstwissenschaften und Waldökologie | Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology |
Fakultät für Geowissenschaften und Geographie | Faculty of Geoscience and Geography |
Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik | Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science |
Fakultät für Physik | Faculty of Physics |
FamilienService | Family Service |
Feldübungen | practical training in the field Note: if referring to practical work conducted by a researcher in the natural environment (not in a laboratory), the term "fieldwork" can also be used. |
Förderlinie | funding line |
Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses | promotion of early career researchers |
Forschungsgroßgeräte | major research equipment Note: if writing for the DFG, please use "major research instrumentation" |
Forschungsorientierte Gleichstellungsstandards der DFG | DFG Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality |
Forum Wissen - das Wissensmuseum der Universität Göttingen | Forum Wissen - the knowledge museum of the University of Göttingen |
Forum Wissen Göttingen | Forum Wissen Göttingen |
Forum Wissen Sammeln, Forschen, Ausstellen: das Wissensmuseum der Universität Göttingen |
Forum Wissen Collecting, Researching, Exhibiting: the Knowledge Museum of Göttingen University |
Forum Wissen Was Wissen schafft |
Forum Wissen Knowledge in the making |
free-floater | Note: the concept of “Free-Floaters” was introduced by the University as a mechanism to strengthen academic recruitment of the very best early career researchers for tenure-track Junior Professorships. These positions were advertised openly without specific subjects and gave the University the freedom to recruit internationally, flexibly and optimally to secure excellence. The recruitment process was jointly managed by the GRC and the University. |
Funktionsstelle | Funktionsstelle Note: Holders of "Funktionsstellen" positions have an academic profile and are assigned with a permanent role in areas of research, teaching, research and information infrastructure, or science management within faculties and central units (not within central administration). The German term "Funktionsstelle" is the official job title and should be used with an explanation in English texts. See website: |
Gebäudemanagement | Estates and Facilities Management |
Gemeinsames Prüfungsamt der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultäten | Examination Office for Mathematics and the Natural Sciences |
Gender Controlling | equal opportunities monitoring Note: please avoid the phrase "Gender controlling" in English. |
Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS) | Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS) |
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Universität Göttingen |
University of Göttingen Note: Göttingen University is also acceptable. Georg-August-Universität should be used in legal documents and University of Goettingen is used for research publications or anywhere that an ö might not be read by a database. It is acceptable to use UGOE as an abbreviation in texts where the word count is important (eg grant applications) as long as the name is stated in full when UGOE is first used. Please do NOT use other abbreviations, such as "GAU" or "GAUG". See the University's Two-page Style Guide for full details: |
Georg-Eckert-Institut für internationale Schulbuchforschung (GEI) | Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research (GEI) |
Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG) | Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG) Note: German is used in English texts. The GWDG is the computing centre for the University and a computing and IT competence centre for the Max Planck Society. It is widely known as GWDG: |
Gespenstschrecke | leaf insect |
Gleichstellungs-Controlling | Equal Opportunities Monitoring |
Gleichstellungs-Innovations-Fond | Equal Opportunities Innovation Fund |
Gleichstellungskonzept | Equal Opportunities Strategy |
Göttingen Campus (GC) | Göttingen Campus |
Göttingen Campus QPLUS Projekt | Göttingen Campus QPLUS project |
Göttingen eResearch Alliance (eRA) | Göttingen eResearch Alliance (eRA) |
Göttingen International | the International Office |
Göttinger Graduiertenschule Gesellschaftswissenschaften (GGG) | Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences (GGG) |
Göttinger Zentrum für Molekulare Biowissenschaften | Göttingen Center for Molecular Biosciences (GZMB) |
Graduiertenkolleg | research training group |
Graduiertenschule | graduate school Note: Research and learning for PhD students registered at Göttingen University, including those carrying out research across the Göttingen Campus, is organised into four graduate schools according to academic fit. The graduate schools are an umbrella for the doctoral degree programmes and Research Training Groups of the faculties and research centres assigned to them. |
Graduiertenschule Forst- und Agrarwissenschaft (GFA) | Graduate School of Forest Sciences and Agricultural Sciences (GFA) |
Graduiertenschule für Geisteswissenschaften Göttingen (GSGG) | Graduate School of Humanities Göttingen (GSGG) |
Großgeräte | major equipment Note: If writing for DFG grants, please use the term “major research instrumentation” for Forschungsgroßgeräte. For the EU, “major equipment” or “sets of instruments” is used. For our website or other funders, please consider “large-scale equipment”, “core equipment” or “research infrastructure”. |
Grundlagen von energetischen Prozessen in Materie |
Energy Processes in Matter Note: core topic of the University's research strategy updated 2023 |
hauptberuflich | full-time Note: this actually means that the job is their main position and is usually applied to senior academics (for instance a Vice-Principal) who has decided to relinquish their academic role to concentrate on senior management |
Heidenreich von Siebold Programm | Heidenreich von Siebold Programme |
Hochschuldidaktik (als Einrichtung der Universität Göttingen) | Section for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Note: this is a department in the University. If talking about "Hochschuldidaktik" generally as a subject, other descriptions and translations can be used |
Hochschulsport | University Sports |
Hochschulsport (Göttingen) | University Sports (Göttingen) |
Honorarprofessur | Honorary professor Note: used for an academic whose level of academic achievement is recognized by a university who would award such titles. However, the academic is employed by another entity, such as a hospital, industry or other institute. This is an unpaid or visiting title to convey academic rank. |
Immatrikulationsbescheinigung, die | certificate of enrolment |
Impressum | contact address or address Note: "Impressum" is a requirement for all company websites in German-speaking countries. It is not used in other countries. It could be translated as "registered office" or "official information" or used in itallics and explained, depending on the context. "Imprint" can be used in publishing (particularly books) to show who the publisher is, but "imprint" is generally meaningless to most international English-speakers. |
Impulsräume Note: from the University's Research Strategy |
space for the emergence of new topics |
Institut für Diversitätsforschung | Göttingen Diversity Research Institute |
Institut für Röntgenphysik | Institute for X-ray Physics |
Internationalisierungsstrategie | Strategy on Internationalization |
Johann-Friedrich-Blumenbach-Institut für Zoologie & Anthropologie | Johann-Friedrich-Blumenbach-Institute of Zoology and Anthropology |
Johann-Friedrich-Blumenbach-Institut für Zoologie und Anthropologie | Johann-Friedrich-Blumenbach-Institute of Zoology and Anthropology |
Juniorprofessor | Junior Professor |
Juristische Fakultät | Faculty of Law |
Kleinbauer/Kleinbäuerin and Kleinbauern/Kleinbäuerinnen | smallholder farmer and smallholder farmers Note: The German version with "-in" or "ihnnen" refers to female smallholder farmer/s. This distinction wouldn't necessarily be used in an English text as "smallholder farmer" could be male, female, trans or the gender might not be known. However, it is worth considering when "she" could be used or when gender is important in the context and the text should be made explicit about gender. |
Kognitive Prozesse und ihre Grundlagen |
Foundations of Cognitive Processes Note: core topic of the University's research strategy updated 2023 |
Kultur-Raum Region | Kultur-Raum Region - an exhibition space showcasing the region's cultural institutions and museums Note: as the "Kultur-Raum Region" is a room in the Forum Wissen that visitors will need to find, please use the German name in translations and add the description at the beginning of the text or as needed |
Laborpraktika | Hands-on training in the laboratory Note: "laboratory practicals" would also be fine and can refer to individual training events rather than a period of time spent in a laboratory learning |
Lehrstuhl, der | chair or professorship Note: chair or professorship refers to a person in English, not a research group |
Lehrstuhlinhaber*in X | Professor of X |
Leitlinien zur Transparenz in der Forschung | Guidelines for Transparency in Research |
Margaret Maltby Mentoring Programm | The Margaret Maltby Mentoring Programme |
maßgeblich beteiligte Wissenschaftler*in(nen) | principal investigator(s) |
Max-Planck-Forschungspreis | Max Planck Research Award |
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft | Max Planck Society |
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. | Max Planck Society for Advancement of Science |
Max-Planck-Institut (MPI) | Max Planck Institute (MPI) |
Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie (MPI BPC) | Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (MPI BPC) Note: see entry about the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences |
Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation (MPIDS) | Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS) |
Max-Planck-Institut für Experimentelle Medizin (MPI EM) | Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine Note: see entry about the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences |
Max-Planck-Institut für Multidisziplinäre Naturwissenschaften (MPI-NAT) | Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences (MPI NAT) Note: was founded 1 Jan 2022 from a merger between the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (MPI BPC) and MPI for Experimental Medicine |
Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung (MPS) | Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) |
Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung multireligiöser und multiethnischer Gesellschaften (MPI-MMG) | Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (MPI-MMG) |
Medien- und Informationsmanagement | Information and Advisory Services |
Mediziner*in | physician or (medical) doctor |
Meinungsfreiheit, die | freedom of speech |
Mensa | "cafeteria" or "dining hall" or "canteen" Note: if you are referring to a specific "Mensa" such as the Alte Mensa (which is now the University's conference centre) or Mensa am Turm (which is still a canteen), you should use the German term exactly as it is and explain as necessary |
Molekulare Grundlagen von zellulären Netzwerken |
Molecular Foundations of Cellular Networks Note: core topic of the University's research strategy updated 2023 |
Mund-Nasen-Bedeckungen | face mask |
Mund-Nasen-Schutz | face mask |
Nachhaltige Entwicklung, globale & lokale Dynamiken und Verantwortlichkeit |
Sustainable Development, Global and Local Dynamics, and Responsibility Note: core topic of the University's research strategy updated 2023 |
Nachhaltige Landnutzung und Biodiversität |
Sustainable Land Use and Biodiversity Note: core topic of the University's research strategy updated 2023 |
Nacht des Wissens | Night of Science |
Nachwuchsgruppe | independent junior research group Note: this term comes from the DFG Excellence Strategy and could be used with caps if it refers to a specific named group. |
Nachwuchsgruppenleiter*in | independent junior research group leader Note: if this is the official job title of a named individual, it is common to use caps (Independent Junior Research Group Leader) |
Nachwuchswissenschaftlerer*in | Postdoc or Early Career Researcher (ECR) Note: postdoc refers to the phase following PhD completion, whereas Early Career Researcher includes other researchers who may still be studying. Avoid using "young" (as in young scientist) unless describing school children or there is an age restriction (for instance as in some funding schemes). |
nebenberuflich | part-time or holding a senior academic position alongside their academic roles Note: this is usually applied to senior academics (for instance a Vice-Principal) who retains their academic role in addition to their senior management role |
Niedersächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen (AdW) | The Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Lower Saxony (AdW) Note: renamed in Dec 2022 to include the word Niedersächsische/Lower Saxony in the title |
Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SUB) | Göttingen State and University Library (SUB) |
Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen (SUB) | Göttingen State and University Library (SUB) |
Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur (MWK) | Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony (MWK) |
Notfall- und Störmeldezentrale, die | The Emergency Helpine and Fault-reporting Service Note: University department - |
Numerus Clausus (N.C.) | numerus clausus (NC) Note: this term is the same in English but would not be widely understood. It means a fixed maximum number of entrants that can be enrolled on an academic course or at an institution. |
Ombudsstelle für gute wissenschaftliche Praxis | Ombuds Office for Good Research Practice |
Open-Access-Leitlinie der Universität Göttingen (einschließlich der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen | Open Access Policy of the University of Göttingen (incl. University Medical Center) |
Ordnung der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis | Rules Governing the Safeguarding of Good Research Practice (2021) |
Ordnung über die Einstellung und Evaluation von Juniorprofessor*innen | Regulation on the Employment and Evaluation of Junior Professors |
Ordnung zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis (2021) | Rules Governing the Safeguarding of Good Research Practice (2021) |
Orientierungsphase / O-Phase | induction, welcome or orientation week for new students Note: in German, this is often abrievated to O-Phase |
Personalabteilung | HR Department |
Personalrat (der) | the Personalrat (staff council) Note: this body doesn't have an official English name and staff council wouldn't be widely understood. The Personalrat exists to represent the social and personal interests of all staff as it pertains to their work. |
Personen | people Note: "persons" is not incorrect but sounds very official in British English and would normally only be used in contexts such as "missing persons". |
Perspektiven für Karrierewege in der Wissenschaft | Career Paths in Science and Academia: Perspectives |
Philosophische Fakultät | Faculty of Humanities |
Praktika | Hands-on training Note: where this training takes place in a workplace, it is often referred to as an internship. |
Präsenzuniversität | a university where the students attend in person as opposed to learning online. Note: This can be referred to as a "bricks-and-mortar" university, particularly in the US. However, it often works better to use a phrase to underline what is really important, for instance: "The University provides an excellent learning environment, making full use of its modern teaching spaces inside beautiful traditional buildings, offering students the opportunity to interact directly with teaching staff". |
Präsidium | Presidential Board |
Prof. Dr. | Professor Note: "Professor Dr" would not be widely understood internationally and some would assume it meant medical training. "Professor" is generally considered the highest qualification and other qualifications do not need to be included. |
Professorinnen-Programm | Programme for Women Professors |
Programmpauschale | an overhead paid to the University to run a programme, this overhead may be made available to the institute or faculty through an allocation system |
projektförmige Förderung | project-based funding |
Projektleiter*in | Project lead or project leader Note: this individual leads or directs the project, distinct from the "project manager" (Koordinartor*in) who manages the project |
Propädeutikum | preparatory course |
Qualitätsmanagement Studium und Lehre | teaching and learning quality management |
Quereinsteiger | transfer student |
Quereinstieg | transfer |
Raum für Impulse | space for the emergence of new topics |
Recht(e) Dritter | third party right(s) Note: this often refers to companies or external bodies who may have legal rights if you (for instance) use their logo or image. |
Richtlinie über das Verfahren und die Vergabe von Leistungsbezügen für Professorinnen und Professoren an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (ohne UMG) - | Guideline on the procedure and granting of performance-based pay for professors at the University of Göttingen (not including the University Medical Center) |
Schlüsselkompetenzen | Key skills Note: sometimes "transferable skills" fits the meaning if it refers to skills that are being taught to students to be used in a wider context. |
schwerbehindert | with a severe disability (as defined by German law) Note: "severely disabled" is the official translation widely used in Germany of "Schwerbehindert" and is used in legal and HR contexts. Depending on context, you may wish to explain this or use a different term. |
Sekretariat | administrative office, secretary or secretariat |
Semesterstarttag, der | The Semesterstarttag Note: an event to celebrate the start of the new semester |
Semesterwochenstunde (SWS) | lecture hours per week or weekly lecture hours |
Short-term International Mentorship Programme (STIM) | Short-term International Mentorship Programme (STIM) |
sogenannt (X) | known as (X) or referred to as (X) Note: in English, "so-called" can be used sarcastically as in "my so-called friend". "Sogennant" may often be omitted or the word being referred to can be put in quotations to show it is being used in a special way or a new term is being introduced. Alternatively, the options above can be used. |
Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) | Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) Note: as used by the DFG |
Sozialdienst des Studentenwerks | Service provided by the Studentenwerk including counselling, consultation and financial advice. Note: see also entry for Studentenwerk |
Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Spezialisierungspraktikum | preparatory practical work |
Sprecher | Spokesperson Note: this has a specific meaning for the DFG and is the correct translation for DFG grants |
Sprecherin | Spokesperson Note: this has a specific meaning for the DFG and is the correct translation for DFG grants |
Staatsexamen | State Examination |
Stabsstelle (in der Universitätsverwaltung) | unit or team or office (as part of the University administration) Note: "Stabsstelle" has a special meaning in German. This team, unit or office is part of the standard organisational structure, usually created for the short to medium term to carry out an administrave function. The team provides expert knowledge in a relatively independent way. They can carry out strategic work to support a department and may develop into a separate department/section/team according to the University's long-term needs and external pressures. |
Stabsstelle Sicherheitswesen und Umweltschutz | Safety/Environmental Section |
Studentenwerk Göttingen | Studentenwerk Göttingen Note: the German word should be used and explained if necessary in the context. In German "Studentenwerk" refers to a state-run, non-profit organisation which provides student services (such as canteen and counselling) |
studentische Hilfskräfte | student assistant assistant Note: the official job title is the German word and abbreviation is SHK |
Studiendekanat | Office of the Dean of Studies |
Studienkolleg | Studienkolleg Note: recommended to use as is, with explanation. For instance: Studienkolleg is a two-semester course to prepare students who do not have a recognised school-leavers' qualification, such as Arbitur or baccalaureat (or equivalent), but want to study at German University. |
Studienzeitbescheinigung | Studienzeitbescheinigung Note: certificate to confirm of periods of study |
Studium und Lehre | Student and Academic Services |
TAN-Liste | Transaction Authentication Number list |
Theologische Fakultät | Faculty of Theology |
Thomas-Oppermann-Kulturforum | (the) Thomas Oppermann Cultural Forum |
U4-Netzwerk (U4) | U4 University Network (Note: has been changed to U4Society and is part of ENLIGHT) |
Ukraine, die | Ukraine Note: Ukraine changed its name and dropped the "the" when it became independent. It is an important sign of respect to refer to it just as "Ukraine". |
Understanding Matter, Energy, and Life |
Understanding Matter, Energy, and Life Note: overarching strategic objective of the University's research strategy updated 2023 |
Universität des Dritten Lebensalters (UdL) | University of the Third Age Göttingen (UdL) |
Universität, die | the University Note: University is written with a capital if referring to the University of Göttingen (Göttingen University is also acceptable). If not specific about which university, it should be lower case. |
Universitätsgebäude, die | the University buildings |
Universitätsmamsellen | Universitätsmamsellen Note: this is a term used when describing the history of the University of Göttingen which refers to a specific group of academically active daughters of professors at the University |
Universitätsmedizin Göttingen (UMG) | University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) |
Universitätsverbund | university consortium |
Vereinbarkeit | work-life balance or compatability of work and caring responsibilities Note: "compatibility" in English means "like-mindedness" or "getting on well together". It could be used in the context of working and looking after children, but wouldn't automatically be understood as such. |
Vertrauensdozent | personal tutor |
Vertrauensdozentin | personal tutor |
virtuelle Arbeitsgruppe Studium und Lehre/virtuellen AG Studium Lehre/ | virtual working group for Student and Academic Services |
Vizepräsident für Digitalisierung und Infrastrukturen | Vice-President for Digital Transformation and Infrastructure |
Vizepräsident/Vizepräsidentin | vice-president Note: capitalise when in a proper title. For example, Vice-President Mary Smith |
Vizepräsidentin für Berufungen | Vice-President for Professorial Appointments |
Vizepräsidentin für Berufungen und Chancengleichheit | Vice-President for Professorial Appointments and Equal Opportunities |
Vizepräsidentin für Chancengleichheit, Diversität und Internationales | Vice-President for Equal Opportunities, Diversity and Internationalization |
Vizepräsidentin für Finanzen und Personal | Vice-President for Finance and Human Resources |
Vizepräsidentin für Internationales | Vice-President for Internationalization |
Vizepräsidentin für Studium Lehre und Chancengleichheit | Vice-President for Teaching, Learning and Equal Opportunities |
Volluniversität | university offering a comprehensive range of subjects |
Vorkurs | preparatory course |
Vorstand | 1. (Management) Board; 2. Board of Directors; 3. Executive Committee |
W-Besoldung | Professor-level salary |
WiMi | researcher (see Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*in) |
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät | Faculty of Business and Economics |
Wissenschaft | science, research or scholarship Note: see entry for Wissenschaflter*in |
Wissenschaftler*in | Scientist or researcher or academic or scholar Note: all these are acceptable translations, however, "scientist" (and science) is sometimes perceived as referring to the natural sciences only. Depending on the context, "academic" or "researcher" may be better choices to ensure inclusivity. "Scholars" is inclusive and includes students. In the UK, "academic" refers to posts from lecturer to professor level. |
wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte | research assistant Note: the official job title is the German word and the abbreviation is WHK |
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*in | researcher Note: The official job title remains the German word, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*in (abbreviation WiMi). This post is often held by a postdoc or someone studying for a PHD, who may be involved in teaching as well as research. Other descriptions may be more appropriate: PhD researcher/doctoral researcher (working while studying for PhD); coordinator, postdoctoral researcher, teaching and research assistant. The term research assistant is used widely as a translation but can be confused with wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft |
WissZeitVG (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz) | WissZeitVG is short for das Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (the German law concerning academic fixed-term contracts). The rules affect the periods of employment for researchers both before and after completing their PhD. The law stipulates a maximum number of years following PhD completion before subsequent fixed-term contracts are not allowed. You should always get individual advice as the interpretation of the law is complex and varies according to circumstances, role, region and other issues. |
Zentrale Einrichtung für Sprachen und Schlüsselqualifikationen (ZESS) | Centre for Languages and Transferable Skills (ZESS) |
Zentrale Kustodie | Centre for Collection Development Note: name used by University (not an official translation) |
Zentrale Reisekostenstelle | Central Travel Cost Centre Note: name used by University (not an official translation) |
Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude (ZHG) | Central Lecture Hall (ZHG) Note: it is also acceptable to use the German words in English text but as there is an English translation in general circulation (google maps etc), then this can be used. |
Zentrum für Biodiversität und Nachhaltige Landnutzung | Centre of Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use |