Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

  • Akademische Karriere

  • 2019
    Professur ("Professore a contratto") am C.I.E.E. - Global Institute, Rom, Italien

    Mitwirkender im Projekt "Musik der Welt", Universität 'Roma Tre', Rom, Italien

    Postdoc-Stipendiat, Universität 'Roma Tre', Rom, Italien

    Ab 2016
    Assoziiertes Mitglied des Centre Asie du Sud-Est (CASE), EHESS, Paris, Frankreich

    Ph.D. in "Storia e analisi delle culture musicali" (Geschichte und Analyse der Musikkulturen), Universität Rom 'La Sapienza'

    Student der javanischen Gamelanmusik an der Universität für Kunst und Kultur (Seni dan Budaya) 'PPPPTK', Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesien

    Botschaft von Italien, Hanoi, Vietnam. Praktikum

    Nationalmuseum für Orientalische Kunst 'G. Tucci', Rom, Italien. Praktikum

    Master of Arts in Ethnomusikologie, Universität von Rom 'La Sapienza'

    Archiv für Ethnomusikologie der Nationalen Akademie von S. Cecilia, Rom, Italien. Praktikum

    Bachelor of Arts in Ästhetik der Musik, Universität Rom 'La Sapienza'

  • Stipendien

  • 2021
    Humboldt-Forschungsstipendium für Postdoktorand/in (2021)

    Ph.D.-Stipendium, Universität Rom 'La Sapienza'

    Feldforschungsstipendium, Universität Rom 'La Sapienza'

    Darmasiswa-Stipendium, Ministerium für Bildung, Republik Indonesien

    Feldforschungsstipendium, Universität Rom 'La Sapienza'

  • Konferenzen & Seminare (Auswahl)

  • “Is there a relation between the scenes depicted on the Dong Son bronze drums and the secondary mortuary ritual of the Jarai people (Central Highlands of Vietnam)?”. “4th ITASEAS Conference 2019”, 24.05.2019, Procida, Italy.

    “Dalla ricerca sul campo al giradischi: realizzazione di due incisioni discografiche sui rituali funerari nel Sudest asiatico”. “Seminari Internazionali di Etnomusicologia”, 28.11.2017, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Rome, Italy.

    “Musical and religious interactions in the Central Highlands of Vietnam”. “Musiche (e musicologie) del XXI secolo. Processi di trasformazione nelle musiche di tradizione orale.” Fondazione ‘G. Cini’, 25-28.01.2017, Venice, Italy.

    “Some musical aspects of the Kwangkay secondary mortuary ritual of the Dayak Benuaq (East Kalimantan)”. “3rd ITASEAS Conference 2016”, 21.06.2016, Procida, Italy.

    “Austronesian people beyond the Archipelago: an analysis of the bronze drums in relation to the secondary mortuary ritual of the Jarai”. “New research on Indonesian traditional and contemporary arts (music, dance, theatre, visual arts): an exchange between Indonesian and Italian perspectives”, 20.11.2014. Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale ‘G. Tucci’, Rome, Italy.

    “Celebration of Death\Reaffirmation of Life. An analysis of the Dong Son bronze drums in relation to the secondary mortuary ritual of the Jarai people of Central Vietnam”. “Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology (ISGMA)”, 09-13.09.2014, Berlin, Germany.

    “Sound and celebration of death: gong ensembles in the secondary mortuary rituals of the Jarai (Central Vietnam) compared with those of the Dayak Benuaq (East Kalimantan, Indonesia). Do they originate from the Dong Son culture?”. “International Conference for Asia Pacific Art Studies (ICAPAS)“, 14.11.2013, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

    “The Space of Gong Culture in the Central Highlands of Vietnam”. “European Seminar in Ethnomusicology (ESEM)“, 06.09.2013, Bern, Switzerland.

    “Animismo e Cattolicesimo negli Altipiani Centrali del Vietnam: dinamiche sincretiche musicali e religiose”. “Il suono e la sfera del sacro”, 10.05.2010, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Rome, Italy.

    “Jarai gong orchestras between tradition and modernity”. “First International Gong Conference“, 12.11.2009, Pleiku, Vietnam.