Bachelor Seminar "Aktuelle Themen im Informationsmanagement" - B.Sc.

General Information

  • Module: Bachelor Seminar "Aktuelle Themen im Informationsmanagement"
  • Module number lecture: B.WIWI-WIN.0027
  • UniVZ: 801077
  • Cycle: Every winter and summer term.
  • Registration: Faculty-wide online seminar registration platform. Please register using this Link.
  • Credits: 6 ECTS
  • Courses of study: Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik-Diplom, Wahl BWL-Bachelor mit Spezialisierung auf Unternehmensführung, BWL-Bachelor weitere Wirtschaftswissenschaften
  • Type of teaching and learning: Seminar (1 SWS)
  • Examination: Presence at seminar dates, submission of research paper in groups, presentation and deep dive session with supervisor(s)
  • Language: German
  • Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Lutz M. Kolbe, Felix Kegel
  • Contact:

This semester, participants will additionally collaborate with US students to craft their seminar papers. Further information on the exact modalities of the collaboration will be provided in the kick-off meeting (see below).

Dates & Deadlines
25.10.2024 Kick-off meeting and topic introductionsAttendance in person mandatory
25.10.2024 - 01.11.2024 FlexNow registration
04.11.2024 & 05.11.2024 Block Course: Introduction to Scientific Research Attendance in person mandatory
31.01.2025 Submission of work via StudIP upload
07.02.2025 Presentation Day Attendance in person mandatory
* If you are ill and cannot attend, you need to submit a doctor’s note. If you have valid concerns regarding attending in person, please let us know as soon as possible, and we will discuss potential ways forward.

  • We have a limit of 30 students, who will work in groups of two
  • The overall topics of the seminar are usually: Digital Health, Smart Mobility and Information Management

The seminar is research-oriented but might include the development and documentation of an IS-artifact or prototype. Existing programming skills are not mandatory. Rather, basic programming skills will be learned during the seminar in cooperation with your supervisor(s). A mandatory block course will cover the foundations of scientific research.
The seminar paper will be written in groups of two on a topic assigned in the aftermath of the mandatory kick-off meeting. The examination is based upon three components: seminar paper, presentation of the paper (and artifact, if applicable), and a follow-up deep dive into the paper / methodology.

Winter Term 2024/2025

Important Dates (mandatory)

Please do only apply when you can attend the kick-off meeting, the mandatory block course on scientific research and the final presentation meeting. No exceptions (e.g., semester abroad, other appointments, holidays, etc.) will be permitted.

  • Please note that single dates might change. We therefore advise you to check this website regularly.
  • Registration deadline (only via central platform): Please refer to the website of the central platform
  • Kick-off meeting including topic introductions (mandatory): 25.10.2024
  • FlexNow registration: 25.10.2024 - 01.11.2024
  • Block Course: Introduction to Scientific Research: 04.11.2024 & 05.11.2024
  • Seminar paper, presentation file and artifact submission: 31.01.2025
  • Presentation Day: 07.02.2025

    • Tutorials / Introduction to Scientific Research
      Will be held in the form of a block course on November 4th and 5th, with in-person attendance being mandatory.