Previous Research Seminars
Veronica Frisancho (Inter-American Development Bank; jointly with DENeB)
Can budget recording tools teach financial skills to youth? Experimental Evidence from a Financial Diaries Study
July 26, 17.00-18.15
Margherita Calderone (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD); jointly with DENeB)
Topic: "Taking soft skills training to scale: Evidence on business and labor market outcomes in Tanzania"
July 12, 12:30-13:45
Sascha Becker (Monash University)
Topic: "Scholars at Risk: Academic Networks and High-Skilled Emigration from Nazi Germany"
June 21, 12.15-13.30
Hillel Rapoport (Paris School of Economics)
Topic: “Migration and Cultural Change”
June 7, 12.15-13.30
Joel Stiebale (Düsseldorf University)
Topic: "Foreign Direct Investment, Prices and Efficiency: Evidence from India"
May 17, 12.15-13.30
Claudio Ferraz (University of British Columbia)
Topic: Internet, Social Media, and the Behavior of Politicians: Evidence from Facebook in Brazil
May 10, 17.00-18.15
Seema Jayachandran (Northwestern University)
Topic: "Using Machine Learning and Qualitative Interviews to Design a Five-Question Women's Agency Index"
April 26, 17.00-18.15
Martina Björkman Nyqvist (Stockholm School of Economics)
Topic: "Supporting Learning In and Out of School: Experimental Evidence from India"
April 12, 12.15-13.30
Sylvie Lambert (Paris School of Economics; jointly with DENeB)
"Marriage Payments and Wife’s Welfare: All you need is love"
March 29, 12:15-13:30
Douglas Gollin (Oxford University; jointly with DENeB)
"Perpetual Motion: Human Mobility and Spatial Frictions in Three African Countries"
March 15, 12:15-13:30
Orazio Attanasio (Yale University; jointly with DENeB)
"Subjective Parental Beliefs. Their Measurement and Role"
March 1, 15.30-16.45
Lisa Chauvet (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, CES)
"Inequality in Public Good Provision and Attitude Toward Taxation: The Case of Sub-Saharan Africa"
15.02.2020, 12.15-13.30 pm
Dominic Rohner (HEC Lausanne)
"Heat and Hate: Climate Security and Farmer-Herder Conflicts in Africa"
01.02.2021, 12.15-13.30 pm
Filipe Campante (Johns Hopkins University)
"The Virus of Fear: The Political Impact of Ebola in the US"
11.01.2021, 16.15-17.30 pm
Florence Kondylis (World Bank)
"Cash transfer size, persistence, and benchmarking: A metaänalytic approach"
14.12.2020, 15-16.15 pm
Gianmarco I.P. Ottaviano (Bocconi University)
„Backlash of Globalization“
30.11.2020, 12.15-13.30 pm
Siwan Anderson (University of British Columbia)
"Marriage, Commitment and Unbundling Gendered Norms"
17.11.2020, 17-18.15 pm
Maria Micaela Sviatschi (Princeton University)
"Market Structure and Extortion: Evidence from 50,000 Extortion Payments”
02.11.2020, 15-16.15 pm
Clement Imbert (Warwick University)
"Can information about job prospects improve the effectiveness of vocational training? Experimental evidence from a large training programme in India"
19.10.2020, 12.15-13.30 pm
David Yang (Harvard University)
"Data-intensive Innovation and the State: Evidence from AI Firms in China"
12.10.2020, 14-15.15 pm
Nathan Fiala (University of Connecticut)
jointly with the Development Economics Network Berlin (DENeB)
Wheels of Change: The Impact of Bicycles on Female Education and Empowerment in Zambia
13.07.2020 16:00-17:15
Nancy Qian (Northwestern University)
jointly with Erika Deserrannoy and Aisha Nansamba
Aid Crowd-Out: The Effect of NGOs on Government-Provided Public Services
06.07.2020 15:00-16:15
Marion Mercier (Université Paris-Dauphine)
jointly with Fabio Mariani and Thierry Verdier
The joint dynamics of emigration and conflict: From peace-wrecking to peace-building diasporas
08.06.2020 12:15-13:30
Avraham Ebenstein (Hebrew University)
Childhood Exposure to Particulate Air Pollution, Human Capital Accumulation, and Income: Evidence from China
11.05.2020 12:15-13:30
Ahmed Elsayed (IZA)
jointly with the Development Economics Network Berlin (DENeB)
Less School (Costs), More (Female) Education?
04.05.2019 12:15-13:30
Lucia Corno (Bocconi University)
Female Genital Cutting and the Slave Trade
20.04.2020 12:15-13:30
Karen Macours (Paris School of Economics)
Education, Income and Mobility: Experimental Impacts of Childhood Exposure to Progresa after 20 Years
06.04.2020 12:15-13:30
Marlon Seror (University of Bristol)
Industrial clusters in the long run: Evidence from Million-Rouble plants in China
Göttingen, Oec. 0.167
Cristina Catteneo (European Institute on Economics and the Environment)
Should they stay or should they go? Climate Migrants and Local Conflicts
Jean-François Maystadt (University of Antwerp/Lancaster University)
The impact of refugees beyond the labor markets in Africa
Göttingen, Oec 0.167
Sheheryar Banuri (University of East Anglia)
Expertise and responsiveness to behavioural biases in public organisations: Evidence from the World Bank
Göttingen, Oec 0.167
Natascha Wagner (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
How stable are preferences when times are rough? Experimental evidence from HIV/AIDS patients in Burkina Faso
Göttingen, Oec 0.167
Manuel Bosancianu (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin)
Citizen Preferences and Disparities in Bureaucratic Responsiveness: Evidence from Deliberative Forums in Uganda
Göttingen, Oec 0.167
Katrin Millock (Paris School of Economics)
Long term migration trends and climate change: The role of irrigation
Göttingen, Oec. 0.167
Paul Schaudt (University of St. Gallen)
The Political Geography of Cities
Abhijeet Singh (Stockholm School of Economics)
The Myths of Official Measurement: Auditing and Improving Education Data in Developing Countries
Göttingen, Oec. 0.167
Johannes Haushofer (Princeton)
Göttingen, Oec. 0.167
Armando Sanchez (UNAM Mexico)
Hannover, 115 (1503)
Debraj Ray (New York University)
Joint CeMIS-Glad Seminar
Göttingen, Oec. 0.167
Jenny Aker (Tufts University)
05.06.2019 (10:30 - 11:30)
Göttingen, KWZ 0.608
Fabian Wahl (Uni Hohenheim)
Evolution and Long-run Consequences of Agricultural Inheritance Traditions
Göttingen, Oec. 0.167
Olga Popova (IOS Regensburg)
Natural Resources and Income Inequality in Developed Countries: Synthetic Control Method Evidence
Hannover, 115 (1503)
Jochen Kluve (HU Berlin)
The Effectiveness of Interventions to Reduce Informality in Low and Middle Income Countries
Göttingen, Oec. 0.167
Patricio Dalton (Tilburg University)
Local Best Practices for Business Growth
Göttingen, Oec. 0.167
Emmanuelle Auriol (Toulouse School of Economics)
God insures those who pay? Formal insurance and religious offerings in Ghana
Göttingen, Oec. 0.167
Ulrich Schmidt (IfW Kiel)
Juan Pablo Rud (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Climate Change and Agriculture: Subsistence Farmers' Response to Extreme Heat
Kris-Stella Trump (Social Science Research Council, New York)
Income Inequality Causes Acceptance of Higher Income Differences
Mariapia Mendola (University of Milano Bicocca)
International Migration Intentions and Illegal Costs: Evidence from Africa-to-Europe Smuggling Routes
Salvatore di Falco (University of Geneva)
Farmers to Entrepreneurs
Manoel Bittencourt (University of the Witwatersrand)
Trade Openness and Fertility Rates in Africa: Panel-Data Evidence
Erik Plug (University of Amsterdam)
On the family origins of human capital formation: Evidence from donor-conceived children
Reinhard Weisser (Queen Mary University of London)
A spatio-temporal analysis of naval operations and migration-related incidents in the central Mediterranean
Yoto Yotov (Drexel University)
Trade and investment in the global economy
Andrew Seltzer (Royal Holloway, University of London)
The impact of female employment on male salaries and careers: evidence from the English banking industry, 1890–1941
Isabel Günther (ETH Zürich)
Inequality, productivity, and redistributive preferences – an experimental approach
Britta Augsburg (IFS London)
Credit Constraints, Labelled Loans and Lumpy Health Investments? Evidence from an RCT on sanitation loans in rural India
Rajesh Ramachandran (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt and Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)
Vernacularization, Power and Institutional Change: Evidence from the Reformations
Toman Barsbai (Kiel Institute of World Economy)
From exodus to exitus: Selective emigration after Germany’s failed 1848 revolutions and the rise of the Nazi Party
Catia Batista (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Testing Classic Theories of Migration in the Lab
Patricia Justino (IDX, Sussex University)
On the Legacies of Wartime Governance
Conny Wunsch (Universität Basel)
Does Voluntary Risk Taking Affect Solidarity? Experimental Evidence from Kenya
Attention, different venue: Dekanatssaal Hannover
Dany Jaimovich (Universität Frankfurt)
Community-driven deforestation? Experimental evidence from a rural development program in West Africa
Marcel Timmer (University of Groningen)
Vertical specialisation in trade. Long-run evidence from developing countries
19.02.2018, 4:30 - 6 pm, VG 2.105
Jesko Hentschel (World Bank)
Argentina at a Cross-Road: Breaking with History
12.02.2018, 4:15 (!) - 5.30 pm, Theo 0.136
Devesh Rustagi (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Culture, Institutions, and Commons Management Outcomes
05.02.2018, 4:30 - 6 pm, VG 2.105
Susan Steiner (LUH)
Using smartphone technology for research among refugees in Germany
31.01.2018, 5:00- 6:00 pm, Room 115 (Building 1503)
Lukas Menkhoff and Jacob Miethe (DIW Berlin/HU Berlin)
Dirty money coming home: Capital flows into and out of tax havens
31.01.2018, 4:00- 5:30 pm, Room 115 (Building 1503)
Jenny Aker (Tufts University)
Communication, Search and Mobile Phones: Evidence from a Telephone Directory Experiment in Tanzania
29.01.2018, 4:30 - 6 pm, KWZ 0.609
Ulrike Grote, Herman Waibel, Andreas Wagener (LUH)
Economic Dynamics in Southeast Asia: Introduction to TVSEP
24.01.2018, 4:00- 5:30 pm, Room 115 (Building 1503)
Joshua Blumenstock (Berkeley University)
Real-Time Measures of Poverty and Vulnerability
22.01.2018, 4:30 - 6 pm, VG 3.108
Ingo Liefner (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Innovation in China
17.01.2018, 4-6 pm, Room 115 (Building 1503)
Christian Bjoernskov (Aarhus University)
Social Trust and Economic Growth
08.01.2018, 4:30 - 6 pm, VG 3.108
Berber Kramer (IFPRI)
Picture-based crop insurance
04.12.2017, 4:30 - 6 pm, VG 4.106
Erwin Bulte (Wageningen University)
Women empowerment and domestic abuse: theory and empirical evidence from Vietnam
20.11.2017, 4:30 - 6 pm, VG 4.106
Julie Chytilova (Charles University Prague)
Female Expert Talk
13.11.2017, 4:30 - 6 pm, VG 3.108
Jean-Philippe Platteau (University of Namur)
Buy As You Need: Nutrition and Food Storage Imperfections
06.11.2017, 4:30 - 6 pm, VG 4.106
Sonia Bhalotra (University of Essex)
Maternal Depression, Women's Empowerment, and Parental Investment: Evidence from a Large Randomized Control Trial
23.10.2017, 4:30 - 6 pm, VG 4.106
Gerhard Toews (Oxford University)
The long shadow of the Gulag
09.10.2017, 4:30 - 6 pm, VG 1.104
Gani Aldashev (University of Brussels)
The effectiveness of land reforms in traditional societies: Central Asia in the 1920s
02.10.2017, 4:30 - 6 pm, VG 1.105
Simon Quinn (Oxford University)
Anonymity or Distance? Job Search and Labour Market Exclusion in a Growing African City
31.07.2017, 4:30 - 6 pm, VG 1.104
Andrew Foster (Brown University)
Are there too many farmers? Input transaction costs, mechanization, and the misallocation of land
26.06.2017, 4:30 - 6 pm, VG 1.104
Patrick Watson (University of the West Indies)
In-Firm Training, Innovation and Productivity: The Case of Caribbean Small Island Developing States
30.05.2017, 2 - 3:30 pm, OEC 0.167
Arijita Duta (University of Calcutta)
Choice of schooling and incidence of adolescent dropouts: An empirical study across selected Indian states
15.05.2017, 4:30 - 6 pm, VG 1.106
Xavier Gine (World Bank)
Making Index Insurance Work for the Poor
4 May 2017, 10-12 am, Room 115 (Building 1503)
Xavier Gine (World Bank)
Rethinking Microfinance
3 May 2017, 2-4 pm, Room 115 (Building 1503)