Prof. Dr. Peter Bloechl (in Kooperation mit der TU Clausthal)

I am interested in processes of materials (solids, surfaces, molecules, etc.). The main goal are quantitative first-principles simulations based on density-functional theory and its extensions.
Currently, a major focus are dynamical processes in manganites, a class of materials with strong correlations between electrons, lattice distortions and spins. Simpler models for materials are derived from first-principles calculations to overcome limitations in spatial and time extent of the simulations. New simulation algorithms are being developed to extend the capabilities of present-day techniques.

Career History

1978-1984 Study of Physics at Karlsruhe University (today KIT)
1984-1989 PhD research at the Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart with O.K. Andersen
1989-1990 Post-doc at the T.J. Watson Research center of IBM in Yorktown Heights, USA
1990-2000 Research-staff member at the Zurich Research Center of IBM, Switzerland
1997 Venia Legendi for Theoretical Physics from Vienna University of Technology, Austria
2000-today Professor at Clausthal University of Technology
2015-today Joint appointment at Goettingen University

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