Neu erschienen: The Institution of English Literature
Der aus der abteilungsübergreifenden Konferenz unseres Seminars, "The Institution of Literature" unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Barbara Schaff, Johannes Schlegel und Prof. Dr. Carola Surkamp, hervorgegangene Band "The Institution of English Literature. Formation and Mediation" ist im Göttinger Verlag Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht erschienenen.
Aus dem Inhalt:
"The contributions investigate the ways in which numerous institutions of English literature shape the literary field. While they cover an extensive historical field, ranging from the Early Modern period to the 18th cen tury to the contemporary, they focus not only on literary texts, but also on extra-literary ones, including literary prizes, literary
histories and anthologies, and highlight the various ways in which these negotiate the processes that const itute the literary field. All contributions assert that there is no such thing as literature outside of institutions. Great emphasis is therefore put on different acts of mediation.
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