Avinash Gupta
- Dissertation "Evaluating morphological and metrical methods for sex estimation on isolated human skeletal material" available at goeDiss
- PhD student in the research project - "Evaluating morphological and metrical methods for sex determination by molecular testing different skeletal series".
Curriculum Vitae
*20.07.1992 in Patna, India
Education Background:
2013 Bachelor of Science (Anthropology) at University of Delhi, India
2015 Master of Science (Anthropology) at University of Delhi, India
Work Activity:
02.2016-07.2016 Student assistant at Department of Historical Anthropology and Human Ecology, University of Göttingen, Germany
Scientific skills:
Qualitative and quantitative collection of field data in disciplines of Forensic Anthropology (morphological and metrical diagnosis of sex), Anthropometry, Dermatoglyphics (Finger and Palm prints study), Trichology (Morphological analysis of hair samples), Prehistoric Archaeology (Stone tools collection, Cave art painting analysis), Social Anthropology (Survey, Participation, Interview methods), Ethnographic research, Material Culture in different tribal setting.
Research Interests:
Human Skeletal Biology, Osteometry, Somatoscopy, Somatometry, Dermatoglyphics, Anthropology in Practice, Ethnographic study
Journal Articles:
Gupta A, Billings BK, Hummel S, Grosskopf B (2022): Evaluating Morphological Methods for Sex Estimation on Isolated Human Skeletal Materials: Comparisons of Accuracies between German and South African Skeletal Collections. Forensic Sciences. 2022; 2(3):574-584. Online Version DOI
Conference contibutions:
Gupta A, Grosskopf B, Hummel S (2018): Evaluating morphological and metrical methods for sex determination on human skeletal materials by molecular testing. British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology.