Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang / Scientific Background
Since 04/2013 Scientific Assistant and PhD candidate at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
06/2013-07/2018 PhD researcher and member of the UrbanFoodPlus team
09/2012 Magistra Artium (M.A.) in Social Anthropology, Geography and Political Science at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
04/2012 M.A. Thesis "Encounters in the Conservation Arena ? Rangers, Herders, Cultivators, and Poachers in the W National Park, Benin"
02-04/2009 Fieldwork in the W National Park, Benin on socio-political interaction processes between park rangers and local resource users
2005-2012 Study of Social Anthropology, Geography and Political Science at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz