News and Outreach
Current News:
- Several EFForTS-inspired products are available for purchase. You find all details in this PDF
- Press release: Tree islands bring biodiversity to oil palm plantations (english/german) No. 84 - 25.05.2023
- The final EFForTS colloquium at University of Göttingen starts at Tuesday, 11.04., and will be virtual via Zoom pdf
- Press release: Mechanical weeding promotes ecosystem functions and profit in industrial oil palm (english/german) No. 37 - 02.03.2023
- The Landscape Assessment upscaling workshop was conducted in hybrid format at University of Goettingen from 13. to 14.02.2023
Updates on the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in Indonesia, Japan and India
The hybrid workshop, conducted by IPB University was attended by 135 participants from Indonesia, Japan
and India.
Aims: Introduction to current/respective country policies & regulations, to decision-making processes and
tools in Access & Benefit Sharing in order to facilitate the effective implementation of Nagoya Protocol (NP).
The different countries shared their experiences. For the Indonesian site, Aiyen Tjoa presented the hindrances
that an international research partnership may face to implement the NP, taking EFForTS as an example.
In conclusion: Each country has its unique system on which its builds on. Both Japan and India – although having
similar procedure compared to in Indonesia – involve fewer institutions with regard to the management of NP. At
the same time, the legislation is more complete and effective than in Indonesia.

International research collaboration, research permit, and implementation of the Nagoya protocol
The hybrid workshop, conducted by UNTAD, was attended by 187 participants from BRIN and universities.
Aim: Sharing experiences from EFForTS which is regarded as best practice example in international research
collaboration. At the same time, network activities should be strengthened and extended.

Agro-tourism at conservation forest areas
The online workshop was conducted by the National Park Bukit Duabelas (TNBD) & IPB University and was attended by 100 participants.
Aim: To improve the capacity of TNBD in the management of their conservation area – by a) to build capacity to generate income by agro-tourism in conservation areas, and b) to establish networks with experts from IPB University in the field of ‘Agro-tourism in Conservation areas’.

Capacity building and networking of young researchers
The online workshop was conducted by young researchers and field assistants of EFForTS and was attended by 53 participants from various institutions.
Aim: To establish & strengthen networks, and to share knowledge and experiences.
The President of ALMI (Indonesia young academy of sciences) gave the opening key note to acknowledge the work of EFForTS’ field and laboratory assistants.
Particpants from EFForTS: Ellena, Adi Parulian, Yabes, Nisa, Dilla, Nitya, Yudha, Ummu, Riko, Azru, Atun, Naufal and Rizky.

Data management and country regulation
The hybrid workshop was conducted by IPB University, it was attended by 62 participants.
Aim: Build up an (inter)national wide forum to share knowledge on data management from different countries; for Indonesia: share knowledge & experience with regard to law 11/2019.

Data mining on DNA barcode research
DNA barcoding is a method used for rapid identification of species using a sequence of bases from an organism’s tissue (Kress et al., 2002; Lahaye et al., 2008). Hajibabaei et al. (2007), Meier et al. (2006) and Virgilio et al. (2012) stated that the process of identifying a molecular scale by DNA barcoding is rapid, accurate, and unambiguous compared to the morphological identification. DNA barcoding requires only a small sample of the specimen taken from all body tissues of the organism. Unfortunately, this method is not yet sufficiently developed in plants compared to animals. The markers commonly used in plants are maturase-K (matK) and ribulase-1,3-biphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (rbcL) (Kress et al. 2005; Wicke & Quandt 2009). Current technology development based on the 3rd NGS technologies that employ long-read and short read sequences has potentials to improve the traditional DNA barcode analysis. Considering both technologies, we conduct specific activities aimed at: i) building capacity for the use of genomics data for SNPs and microsatellites markers and ii) supporting the finalisation of pending manuscripts on plant DNA barcodes on Fabaceae and Anacardiaceae.
A mini workshop was conducted at IPB University; it was attended by undergraduate and postgraduate students from IPB University, Bengkulu University
and Jambi University.
The workshop aimed at discussing about genomic research and its applications such as DNA barcode primers design. Dr. Deden Derajat Matra, a lecturer from Agronomy and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, was a speaker in this mini workshop. Fourteen students participated in the workshop and were trained to use bioinformatics tools (e.g. Geneous, MASER platfrom from NIG Japan).
Outcome: Two manuscripts result from this work: one article has been accepted by the Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan. Another manuscript is in the final stage of preparation.

English training
EFForTS supported three months English classes, starting from mid-February 2022, for field assistants, office staff, young staff of UNJA and staff from the National Park Bukit Duabelas as well as for kids at Pematang Kabau and Bungku where two of our core sites are located.

Quality management in the laboratory according to ISO/IEC 17025
EFForTS supported a six-day education/training course from March 28 to April 2, 2022 at IPB University on “Laboratory management according to the ISO 17025:2017 standard” with the aim of establishing a quality management system and accreditation of the respective laboratory at our partner universities.
The course was held at the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University. In total, 13 participants (head and technicians of laboratories), from IPB University, UNJA and UNTAD have taken part in the course.
The course specifically pursues the goal of improving the quality as well as the reliability of the testing and calibration methods of laboratories. In addition to the general requirements for laboratory management, ISO IEC 17025 also defines the technical requirements for a laboratory. After the successful implementation of a quality management system, this can then be accredited.

Workshop with the Ministry of Research and Higher Education in Indonesia
The Directorate General Research and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education hosted a national workshop on “Evaluation of capacity building as impact of research permit” on April 30, 2019 in Jakarta, Indonesia.
EFForTS was invited to present its “Best practice and lesson learned of CRC 990 U to U research collaboration in maximizing benefit sharing” to a broad audience of national authorities and representatives from universities (invited key note, Ibu Dr. Aiyen Tjoa).
Attendees from UNJA were Zulkifli Alamsyah, Muhammad Damris, Rosyani, from IPB University: Iskandar Z. Siregar, Leti Sundawati, Ulfa Siregar, Soeryo Adiwibowo, and from UNTAD: Henry Barus and Abdul Rauf.
Monitoring and Evaluation of EFForTS
On July 19 and 20, 2019, the Foreign Research Permit section (FRP) of The Ministry of Research and Higher Education in Indonesia KEMENRISTEKDIKTI monitored and evaluated EFForTS at UNJA. Representatives of FRP were Sri Wahyono, Entin Laelasari, Raden Dwiarto, Wahyu Widi Widarto and Estin Dyah Kristanti. Representatives / reviewers from the Coordinating Team for the Approval of Foreign Research Permit (TKPIPA) were Prof. Dr. Gustan Pari, Dr. Ratih Damayanti and Dr. Rugayah.
About 60 lecturers, counterparts and EFForTS staff from UNJA as well as representatives from BKSDA attended the half-day evaluation on Friday, July 19 in the morning.
Following the panel meeting, RISTEK visited the climate tower of A03 and the Oil Palm Management Experiment at PTPN VI. The team was accompanied by Aiyen Tjoa, Bambang Irawan, Zulkarnain, Upik Yelanti, Iskandar Siregar and Yuking LInatra. On July 20, the team went to the Biodiversity Enrichment Experiment at PT Humusindo.
Strategy Meeting with the Head of the National Park Bukit Duabelas (TNBD)
Central points of discussion during the meeting of Aiyen Tjoa and Bambang Irawan with Pak Haidir S. Hut, head of TNBD and Pak Saeful (staff) on June 19, 2019 were ongoing research activities at the site and capacity building measures of EFForTS for TNBD.

Strategy meeting with PT. REKI
On October 24, 2019, the EFForTS office at UNJA, Aiyen Tjoa, Heri Junedi and Megawati, and Basri (field assistant of A03) held a meeting at PT. REKI with representatives from Hutan Harapan, Elva Gemita, Yulyana and Dewi Komariah.
The main topics covered in the meeting were: relocation of the AWS to a safe place, safety conditions of the EFForTS guest house, annual report of research activities of EFForts and capacity building measures for REKI.
Social networking and agricultural extension services in core villages
To maintain / strengthen relations with EFForTS’ stakeholders and to engage in a constructive dialogue with them, five exchange meetings / social events have been conducted in both the Harapan landscape and the Bukit Duabelas landscape between November 29 and December 10, 2019 by Aiyen Tjoa and Heri Junedi (EFForTS head office) and Dede Martino (Agricultural Faculty, UNJA) with support of Yuking and Megawati.
Key objectives of the events were to (1) raise the awareness of the village authorities and to build trust with the village head, the plot owners, and the villagers, (2) to popularize the project’s activities in the village in order to support our research (and to secure tools and equipment), and (3) to participate in human capacity development in the partner villages.
Formal presentations were given with regard to the activities of EFForTS. The talk was complemented by an agricultural extension program: “Hydroponic cultivation of vegetables and postharvest processing”. The event was rounded off by a cookery course for women farmers.

Social networking and agricultural extension services in core villages
A half-day training on Preparation of herbarium specimen was conducted by Aiyen Tjoa and Dian M Fauzan (Ojan, field assistant of B06) for the staff of the National Park Bukit Duabelas at Air Hitam on May 22, 2019.

DAAD workshop – Sharing best practices: doing research together
The workshop was held on 8 May 2018 at the German Embassy in Jakarta. Dr. Aiyen Tjoa, Svenn Langguth (Head of Division Science & Technology, German Embassy Jakarta) and Dr. Christian Rable (Deputy Director DAAD, Jakarta) jointly organized the workshop. The workshop addressed challenges of conducting science at an international level, especially when the team members have different levels of scientific achievement, have different levels of biological diversity & richness or different cultural backgrounds. Oftentimes, the partners are called upon to deal with situations beyond their control (e.g. permits, visa regulation); often they have to improvise to find solutions on a case-by-case basis.
Dr. Aiyen Tjoa gave a keynote on “CRC 990 / EFForTS: Best Practices in Research Collaboration Management” (figure 8); Iskandar Siregar (IPB) chaired the working group on “Tackling global challenges”, and Suria Tarigan (IPB) was chair of the working group “Managing international research projects”. Further participants from EFForTS were Sunny Reetz (Z01 Bogor) and Bambang Irawan (UNJA representative of EFForTS).

Workshop with local governmental institutions in Jambi province
A one-day social event was organized by the EFForTS management - UNJA on 16 July 2018 for governmental institutions in Jambi to outline the status-quo of the collaborative project activities (research work, field activities, capacity building measures, joint publications, involvement of students). Presentations were given by Aiyen Tjoa (overall outline), by Damris Muhammad (focus on group A activities), by Bambang Irawan (focus on group B activities) and by Rosyani (focus on group C activities). The workshop was hosted by Bapak Harlik, head of the Bappeda Provinsi (Provincial Development Agency) and chaired by Zulkifli Alamsyah, vice rector for collaboration, information and communication, University of Jambi. About 35 officers attended the workshop:
- BAPPEDA (Development Planning Agency at sub-national level)
- KESBANGPOL (Office for National Unity and Politics)
- Dinas Perkebunan (Estate Plantation Office)
- Dinas Pertanian (Agricultural Office)
- Dinas Kehutanan (Forestry Office)
- BALITBANGDA (Province Research Body)
- Badan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah (BLHD) (Environmental Agency)
- Badan Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) (Agricultural Technology Body)
- BMKG (Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency)
- Imigrasi (Immigration Office)
- Balai Pemanfaatan Hutan Produksi (BPHP) (Forest Utilization Production Agency)
- BPDAS (Watershed Management Agency)
- BKSDA (Natural Resources Conservation Agency)
- Badan Karantina Pertanian (Quarantine Office)
- Sekber Kehutanan (Joint Secretariat of Forestry)

Workshop with The Ministry of Research and Higher Education in Indonesia
The Directorate Research Strengthening and Development of RISTEKDIKTI hold a national meeting in Jakarta on “International Research Partnership”. About 200 participants from higher education and research institutions, embassies and ministries - including members of the JMB / EFForTS - attended the meeting.
Two invited keynotes were given by Iskandar Z. Siregar (International Research Management at IPB) and by Aiyen Tjoa (Best practices of CRC / EFForTS in Research Management). Thereafter, six working groups met. Focus was on permit system and one-stop service, research management (chaired by Iskandar Siregar), benefit sharing, data management, publication, and capacity development and partners (chaired by Aiyen Tjoa).
IPB and Riau University were nominated as best universities in international research partnership.

Collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
The Agency for Policy Review and Development (BPPK) of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Indonesia hosted a special symposium entitled: CRC 990: Towards Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil on 11 September 2017 in Jakarta to improve understanding on Indonesian sustainable palm oil industry.
The EFForTS Consortium of Universities under the lead of IPB was invited to present research highlights of Phase 1: Anas M. Fauzi, Suria Tarigan, Iskandar Siregar, Leti Sundawati, Rosyani. Presentations were given by Aiyen Tjoa (overall project information and results of group A – Environmental processes), Bambang Irawan (results of group B Biota and ecosystem services), and Hermanto Siregar (results of group C – Human dimensions).
The seminar was attended by approximately 70 people: by the Executive Director of the Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries (CPOPC), Mahendra Siregar, the Expert Staff on Economic Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ridwan Hassan, Ambassadors and Representatives of Indonesian palm oil producing and using countries such as Germany, Italy, Colombia and Spain, as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations concerned with palm oil issues.

Networking & capacity building in core villages
In order to maintain / strengthen relations with the project’s stakeholders and to engage in a constructive dialogue with them, four socialization events have been conducted in the Harapan landscape between February and May 2017 by Aiyen Tjoa, Gindo Tampubolon (Forestry Faculty, UNJA) and Bambang Irawan with support of Yuking and Megawati.
Key objectives of the events were to (i) raise the awareness of the village authorities and to build trust with the village head, the plot owners, the villagers, (ii) to popularize the project’s activities in the village in order to secure tools and equipment, and (iii) to participate in human capacity development in the partner villages.
Formal presentations were given with regard to the activities of EFForTS, and on the “role of nutrients for plant/oil palm productivity”. A practical course was carried out on “organic composting”.
Following the official meeting an informal get-together took place including a cookery course (Photo 08: Aiyen (right) shows to farmers how to make pan-fried bananas), movie watching, joint dinner.
All participants received a certificate signed by the Rector of UNJA.

The Indonesian Oil Palm Estate Fund (BPDPKS)
The Indonesian Oil Palm Estate Fund (BPDPKS) together with The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, the Jambi Government and the University of Jambi (UNJA), held the Executive Oil Palm Program for Ambassadors of European Union Member States in Jambi from 16 to 18 April 2018 to showcase the practice of palm oil management in Indonesia. As part of the cooperation of UNJA with both BPDPKS and EFForTS, on 17 April 2018, the delegation visited the climate tower at PTPN VI and one plot of the B11 Biodiversity Enrichment Experiment at PT. Humusindo. The trip was hosted by Zulkifli Alamsyah (Vice Rector for Planning, Collaboration Affairs and Information Systems) and by Bambang Irawan (Dean Faculty of Forestry & UNJA Representative of EFForTS). Further sites visited in Jambi were PT. REKI (forest restoration) and PT. Inti Indosawit (oil palm plantation).
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA)
Dr. Svann Langguth (Head of Division Science and Technology, German Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia) visited EFForTS research sites and the University of Jambi from December 12 to 13, 2017.
The first day of the visit, the climate tower at PTPN VI, the enrichment experiment at PT. Humusindo and core plots at the riparian sites of Bukit Duabelas were introduced. On December 13, meetings with the vice rector of UNJA and representatives of the Management Board of EFForTS took place. Also, a panel discussion with junior researchers of EFForTS took place.

From left to right: Dr. Aiyen Tjoa (EFForTS coordinator at UNJA), Dr. Svann Langguth, Dr. Bambang Irawan (UNJA representative of EFForTS), Prof. Zulkarnain (University of Jambi, UNJA Speaker of the Management Board).

From left to right: Dr. Aiyen Tjoa (EFForTS coordinator at UNJA), Fenna Otten (doctoral researcher, C02), Jennifer Merten (doctoral researcher, C02), Pierre-Andre Waite (doctoral researcher, B04), Dr. Kevin Darras (postdoctoral researcher, B09), Dr. Svann Langguth.
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA)
On 20 and 21 August 2017, representatives of BEFTA (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture, a research partnership between the University of Cambridge and SMARTRI / PT. Sinar Mas Agro Resources and Technology Research Institute in Pekanbaru, Indonesia) visited our field sites at PTPN VI (climate tower and oil palm management experiment) and PT. Humusindo (BEE): Dr. Edgar Turner (Curator of Insects, Museum of Zoology, University of Cambridge, UK), Dr. Eleanor Slade (Researcher, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, UK), Dr. Amy Eycott (Postdoctoral researcher, Insect Ecology Group, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, UK), Dr. Sarah Luke (Postdoctoral researcher, Insect Ecology Group, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, UK), Dr. William Foster (Senior Lecturer, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, UK and speaker of BEFTA), Amelia Hood (doctoral researcher, Insect Ecology Group, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, UK), and Imanuddin (representing Dr. Haskarlianus Pasang, Head of Sustainability Policy and Compliance, Sinarmas Agribusiness and Food).
The purpose of the visit was to establish networks and strategic partnerships with other scientific projects conducting research on palm oil management in Indonesia.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Indonesia
Representatives of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Indonesia (BPPK Kemlu) and the Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries, Indonesia visited EFForTS project sites and the University of Jambi (UNJA) from July 26 to 28, 2017. Occasion of the visit was to get a better understanding of the research activities of EFForTS (here: management of palm oil plantations and the B11 Enrichment Experiment) and to discuss opportunities of cooperation with UNJA. Representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were:
- Dr. Siswo Pramono (Deputy head of the Policy Analysis and Development Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, BPPK)
- Dr. Leonard F. Hutabarat (Head of the Center for Policy Analysis and Development for America and Europe, P3K2)
- Mr. Benny K. Rahman (Officer of P3K2)
- Mr. Mahendra Siregar (Executive Director of the Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries (CPOPC))
- Mr. Iman Y. Fakhrudin (Officer of CPOPC).
The first day of the visit started with a meeting at UNJA. Opening addresses were given by Prof. Zulkifli Alamsyah (vice rector of UNJA), Dr. Bambang Irawan (UNJA representative of EFForTS), Dr. Aiyen Tjoa (EFForTS coordinator in Jambi) and Dr. Suria Tarigan (counterpart B10, IPB). Outcome of the meeting: both BPPK and CPOC will support a summer school at both UNJA and IPB on oil palm management and land use / landscape.

On the following day, the delegation visited core plots of EFForTS at PTPN VI (site of the climate tower and the management experiment) where meetings with the director of PTPN VI and farmers took place. The last point was a visit of the B11 Enrichment Experiment (BEE) at PT Humusindo. Expressions of interests / points of discussions were the scaling up of BEE at PTPN VI and PT Humusindo.

Annual Retreat from July 3 to 5, 2022 in Volpriehausen
About 150 participants met for three days and focused in talks and discussions on the status of research, cooperations and on the strategic positioning of EFForTS.

Kick-off Phase 3 (Online)
EFForTS holds its third Kick-off meeting on July 2, 2020. The event takes place virtually. It is the official opening of the third and last phase of EFForTS (2020-2023).
- Welcoming new as well as old research partners and stakeholders
- Sharing knowledge and lessons learnt from the past eight years.
European Conference of Tropical Ecology
Junior scientists of EFForTS organize a session on Managing tropical agricultural land-use systems more sustainably for people and nature at the European Conference of Tropical Ecology in Leipzig from 24-27 March 2020
International Symposium on Socio-ecological transformations of tropical lowland rainforests from October 7 to 11, 2018 in Bali
The first International Symposium “Socio-ecological transformations of topical lowland rainforests”, Bali, Indonesia addressed the full complexity of changes associated with the transformation of tropical lowland rainforest into plantations systems such as rubber and oil palm with a focus on Southeast Asia. The Symposium specifically aimed at bridging disciplines and bringing together researchers from all fields of science integrating ecological and socioeconomic perspectives as well as stakeholders in the field of land use changes in tropical lowlands. Science-based approaches targeting at improving the ecological and socioeconomic functions of tropical lowland forests and agricultural transformation systems at a landscape scale were the central focus.
About 160 participants attended the symposium. Nine internationally well-known scientists held keynotes. Representatives from national authorities in Indonesia gave the opening address.

Annual Retreat from November 1 to 3, 2017 in Hann. Münden & Göttingen
The annual retreat 2017 was divided into two parts:
- in a two-day workshop on November 01 and 02 in Hann. Münden. Focus is on the status of research and on the strategic positioning of EFForTS.
- in a one-day stakeholder workshop on November 03 in the Paulinerkirche in Göttingen. Focus is on stakeholder relations and project-oriented collaboration / activities.

Kick-off workshop for Phase 2 of EFForTS
The kick-off workshop will take place at the partner universities in Bogor (IPB) and Jambi (UNJA), Indonesia, from May 25 to 27, 2016.

International Symposium – Final Workshop CRC 990
EFForTS held its final symposium of Phase 1 from March 23 to 24, 2015 at Göttingen. Key findings of Phase 1 were presented by junior scientists. About 100 participants attended the symposium. Five internationally well-known scientists held keynotes.
LA upscaling workshop, February 13 and 14, 2023
The workshop is mainly focused on statistical methods potentially useful for up-scaling local plot data. Invited speakers will introduce us to topics such as machine learning, data integration and species distribution models. Furthermore, Michael Schlund (Z02) will give an introduction and mini workshop on the remote sensing data available for the LA, and Fabian Brambach (B06) will lead a session on the LA intro paper.
The main target groups are PhDs and PDs working within the LA framework, but of course every project member is welcome to join - and of course this also extends to all our Indonesian and German students. Although it is a hybrid workshop I want to encourage the people that are in Göttingen to be on site to facilitate discussion and the exchange of ideas - plenty of coffee breaks are scheduled in the program.
Identification of Ants, September 23 & 24, 2022
Prof. Damayanti Buchori organized a two-day ant identification workshop on September 23 and 24, 2022.

The course took place online on September 23, about 300 people attended. On September 24, a practical training was conducted in the laboratories at IPB Universities. In addition to students, stakeholders from BSU, REKI, TNBD and PTPN VI also participated.

Training on Trainer themed Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) for project staff from August 3 to 5, 2022
EFForTS held a three-day Training on Trainer themed Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) for project staff from August 3 to 5, 2022 at the Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University.
The village development program is one of the essential agendas in various discussion forums in the last decades. The bottom-up approach based on the participation of rural communities is a specific method for researchers and stakeholders of rural communities in making rural communities subjects of development, no longer as objects of development that receive programs (top-down).
This training is beneficial for researchers and field assistants who conduct research that is carried out in a participatory manner among rural communities within a community to encourage transformative actions or changes in better living conditions.
Twenty-one participants from multi-disciplines attended the workshop which was guided by PT Adil Organic Indonesia, a start-up company in organic community development and mentoring.

Introduction to Palynology and Paleoecology, October 10th to 21th, 2022
Dr. Asmadi Saad (UNJA), Svea Lina Jahnk and Chung Hoai Nguyen (both University of Göttingen) held a two-week practical class at Jambi University. The class included an introduction to basic sampling and laboratory methods as well as exercises in data analysis and interpretation.

Ecotaxonomy, December 2 & 3, 2019
Dr. Anton Potapov and Dorothee Sandmann (B08) organized a two-day workshop on "Traits, taxa and project management in Ecotaxonomy".

Tree inventory methods, July 20, and August 1 & 2, 2019
Fabian Brambach (B06) conducted a hands-on training on Tree inventory methods, specimen collection and species identification for undergraduate students at UNJA (35 participants), July 20, 2019 and for students at UNTAD (22 participants), August 1-2, 2019.
DNA barcode of life, August, 2019
Iskandar Siregar/IPB University & B14 conducted a one-day seminar and training workshop on DNA barcode of life – DNA barcoding for the construction of community phylogenies: theory and data analysis at the Faculty of Forestry, IPB University. About 50 participants from IPB University (students, lecturers, researchers), LIPI, Bogor Botanical Garden and Nusa Bangsa University attended the workshop. Presentations were given by Carina Carneiro de Melo Moura (B14) (“The use of barcoding sequences for the construction of community phylogenies”), by Beginer Subhan/FPIK; IPB University (“Barcoding of marine life in Indonesia”), and by Rika Raffiuddin/FMIPA, IPB University (“DNA barcode in insect: resolving the morphology and behavior questions”). The seminar was complemented by practical exercises.

First aid course “Behavior in the case of snakebites”, March 3, 2018
The first aid training course demonstrated how one shall behave in the case of a snakebite. Snakes are quite common in the rubber and oil palm plantations. The course covered safety measures, treatment of snakebites, and how to give shots / antidotes. The course instructor was Dr. Dr. Sri Maharani, an advisor to WHO and medical doctor from Jakarta with strong background in toxicology and pharmacology. About 50 attendees from EFForTS participated: master students, doctoral researchers, local assistants and office staff.
Methods in Bioclimatology, Mai 2 and 3, 2018
The measurement and analysis of climate and meteorological parameters is diverse and complex which involves knowledge of various disciplines and instrumentation, e.g. basic physical and technical understanding, knowledge of the software systems, programming, and statistical and data analysis. Lack of basic training in these disciplines may result in inconsistent and uncontinuous measurement series of climatic and meteorological parameters.
A two-day training workshop was conducted by Dr. Christian Stiegler (University of Göttingen) and Dr. Tania June (IPB University) on May 2 and 3, 2018 at both the EFForTS laboratory at UNJA and the climate tower of A03 at PTPN VI to provide our counterparts and stakeholders an introduction to meteorological measurements and climate data analysis. The workshop consisted of two major parts: 1) visit of the climate tower at PTPN VI for demonstration purposes of the functions and basic principles of the meteorological instruments, and 2) hands-on practice of data analysis of the major meteorological parameters.
Eleven participants from PTPN VI, BMKG (Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics, Indonesia), UNJA and EFForTS took part in the training.

Identification of Soil Fauna, March 20 to April 04, 2017
Southeast Asia is known for being one of the ´biodiversity hotspots´ of Earth. At the same time local fauna is hardly inventoried which restrains the progress in biological studies. This is especially true for soil animals, where around 50% (sometimes up to 80%) of species in different groups can be undescribed (according to Sumatera survey in 2013 by EFForTS project). One of the main reasons for that is very few local soil zoologists that able to describe the new species.
Sharing the working experience by organizing training courses and workshops in one of the main ideas behind the international collaboration in the framework of EFForTS project. Until now, not many specialists from IPB and Indonesia in general can identify diverse tropical soil animals.
Thus, a two-week training workshop for the identification of soil fauna was conducted at the Soil Biotechnology Division at IPB from March 20 to April 04, 2017.
During the training course, a group of nine young Indonesian researchers (bachelor and master students) was trained to identify common groups of soil fauna down to the order or family level of taxonomic resolution. Along with the practical work, introduction in specific soil fauna groups, methods of soil ecology, data analysis and work with scientific literature were provided.
A simplistic identification key for the determination of soil fauna in Indonesia was developed and translated into Bahasa Indonesia (see identification key). This table is a pictorial key that allows easy identification of all common soil invertebrates of Indonesian fauna to the level of order. Such manual along with other materials, provided after the course, can serve as a starting point for soil taxonomic and ecological research of young Indonesian specialists. During the practical work, students sorted animals from the research material of the B08 scientific EFForTS project under the supervision of Anton Potapov and Rahayu Widyastuti. In total, 14.000 specimens were identified to 32 taxonomic groups.

In the front (left to the right): Deseriana Bria, Sarjito, Marisi Italiensia, Prof. Rahayu Widyastuti
Tropical Plant Identification Workshop, September 11 to 15, 2017
A one-week training workshop was conducted from 11 to 15 September 2017 at SEAMEO BIOTROP (the Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Tropical Biology) by Katja Rembold (B06) and 5 plant experts from the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew (UK, The workshop was based on the annual Kew tropical plant identification and was provided for 22 participants from seven Indonesian partner institutions: LIPI, IPB, UNJA, UNTAD, UNIPA, Harapan Rainforest, and BIOTROP.
The course gave the participants an overview of 38 of the most commonly encountered tropical vascular plant families, as well as an introduction to plant morphology and identification tools. Through short illustrated lectures, and extensive hands-on practical sessions, Kew’s botanists demonstrated the key characters for each family, sharing their expert tips for identification. Participants joined identification sessions focused on tropical Southeast Asia. An excursion to the living collections in Bogor Botanical Garden provided a chance to apply this knowledge ‘in the field’. The workshop received very positive feedback and the organizers are already discussing the idea to provide a second plant identification workshop in 2018.

1st row (left to right): Lesley Walsingham, Renata Borosova, Dr. Timothy Utteridge, Dr. Katja Rembold, Dr. Jesus C. Fernandez, Dr. Andre Schuiteman, Alison Moore, Dr. Sri Sudarmiyati Tjitrosoedirdjo.
2nt row (left to right): Saiful Bachri, Dima Meiyandi, J.J. Afriastini, Mei Linda Mardalena, Dr. Deby Arifiani, Dr. Nina Ratna Djuita, Lulut Sulistyaningsih, Dwi Putri Ramadhani, Viverani Desmera, Dr. Yohana Caecilia Sulistyaningsih, Marthen Jitmau, Moh. Iqbal
3rd row (left to right): Dirga Shabri Pradana, Dian Muh Fauzan, Agusti Randi, Prima Wahyu Kusuma Hutabarat, Deden Girmansyah, Feri Antoni, Sahlan, Petrus Rohuwa, Zuhratus Saleh, Irvan Fadli Wanda, Ade Adriadi.
First-aid training course, April 05 to 07 and May 08 to 10, 2017
EFForTS has organized two special First Aid Training courses (outdoors, indoors) in 2017 from April 5 to 7 and May 8 to 10 to support our researchers doing field work in Indonesia.
The course was conducted by Outdoor Schule Süd e.V., which is accredited by the German employers' accident liability insurance associations as expert in outdoor training.
Summer school „Indonesia sustainable palm oil“, November 19 to December 09, 2017
The three-week course was jointly organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Indonesia and the Indonesian universities IPB, UNJA and UNTAD. The aims of this program were to learn recent concepts in palm oil production (at IPB) and to have practical on-farm experiences (in Jambi). About 18 participants from university and non-university institutions from Colombia, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia and Spain took part in the summer school.

Enhancing interdisciplinary understanding and collaboration amongst the PhDs & Post-Docs, July, 2014
- Thursday, 10th of July 2014, 10:00-17:00: mainly A-Group-Presentations
(session on open access and peer review systems, followed by a general Q&A session with Barbara, Stefan and Wolfram) - Tuesday, 15th of July 2014, 10:00-17:00: mainly C-Group-Presentations
- Monday, 21th of July 2014, 9:00-17:00: mainly B-Group-Presentations
(Intruduction of the Web_GIS CRC 990 between 16.40 and 17.10)
Historische Sternwarte / großer Seminar Raum
Agent-based modelling with NetLogo, December 14 to 15, 2014
Agent-based, or individual-based modelling is an increasingly used technique to investigate questions in ecology, biology and social science. Generally speaking agent-based models are simulation models which are used to study how local interactions of individual agents give rise to higher level dynamics. The agents in a model can for example represent plants, animals, humans or other objects. In ecology, prominent examples for individual-based models are forest models, in which the growth of individual trees depend on the competition with other trees in their neighborhood, or fish school models, in which the movement of fish swarms emerges through the movement behavior of individual fish. Agent-based models of land-use change incorporate decision making processes of human agents and potentially also interactions between agents to study the effect of human actions on the environment at the landscape level. Thereby such models link social and environmental processes.
This two-day workshop will give an introduction in agent-based/individual-based modelling. The open source modelling platform NetLogo, which is specifically designed for the development of agent-based models, will be introduced. During the workshop course participants will learn how to implement and evaluate simple models. No programming skills are required for this introductory workshop.
5th Night of Science at University of Göttingen, July 9, 2022
This year EFForTS presented its research activities at the 5th Night of Science, on July 9 2022, in the Forum Wissen at the University of Göttingen.
1. Expositions
- Collection of daily products (food and cosmetics) containing palm oil or rubber (Jochen Drescher)
- Microscope and pollen slides from honey samples taken from Jambi forest, with observation and tasting (Jörg Christiansen, Svea Jahnk, Deborah Lemke)
- Living meso and macrofauna under the microscope (Johannes Lux, Melissa Jüds, Ronja Wenglein, André Junggebauer)
- Demonstration of field equipment (Martyna Kotowska, Sasya Samhita, Jamaluddinsyah)
- Soundscapes from oil palm and rubber plantations (Arne Wenzel)
- Infographics of the PR Project(Susanne Bögeholz, Jacqueline Dischereit)
- Airing of the movie "EFForTS" (English and German), introducing the research work of the project followed by a Q&A (Jochen Drescher)
- Memory game (ants, oil palm) (Jochen Drescher)
- Puzzles (ants) (Jochen Drescher)
- Demonstration of a simplified version of the EFForTS-ABM (Amsalia Pasila, Christian Wiewelhove, Elsa Rommerskirchen, Julia Henzler, Rebecca Groninga, Enby Reinke, Sebastian Fiedler)
- Memory game Trees & Flowers from Indonesia (Carina Moura, Gabriela Alvarez, Dienda Hendrawan, Rahmi Ariani, Jakob Latzko)
- "Who eats whom?" Identify bite marks on dummy caterpillars (Arne Wenzel)
- "7 Families" Soil biodiversity game (Jingzhong Lu, Amandine Erktan)

4th Night of Science at University of Göttingen, January 26, 2019
EFForTS presented its research activities at the 4th Night of Science at the University of Göttingen which took place on 26 January 2019.
Themes & activities and people involved:
1. Expositions
- Cultural corner / Jambi, Indonesia (Ella Sujarwo, Amanda Mawan, Edwine Purnama & Mayanda Lia)
- Collection of daily products (food and cosmetics) containing palm oil or rubber
- Forest products (sugar cane, rattan, medicinal, fruits) (Jörg Christiansen)
- Photo gallery from Jambi depicting the work of the EFForTS researchers and students in Jambi and snapshots from the different land-use systems.
- Microscope and pollen slides from honey samples taken from Jambi forest, with observation and tasting (Jörg Christiansen)
- Microscope / the main fungus and bacterial eaters (Dorothee Sandmann, Eckhard Schulz + André Junggebauer)
- Movie about Earthquake and tsunami victims on Sulawesi including official donation box from the University of Göttingen (Fabian Brambach & Nur Edy)
- Guessing game / interactive multiple choice quiz representing groups A, B, C (Nina Hennings)
- Memory game (ants, oil palm) (Jochen Drescher)
- Puzzles (ants) (Jochen Drescher)
- Interactive socio-economic questionnaire: „Compare yourself with an average farmer from Indonesia." (Daniel Chrisendo, Arieska Sarwosri & Joost Koks)
- Demonstration of a simplified version of the EFForTS-ABM (Katrin Meyer, Craig Simpkins & Jan Salecker)
- Drawing activity for children on the topic of forests and biodiversity (Clara Zemp)
- Memory game Trees & Flowers from Indonesia (Carina Moura)

- Anwendung der Pollenanalyse (Jörg Christiansen)
- Biodiesel (Jochen Drescher)
- Ecosystem Modelling (Craig Simpkins)
- Palmöl - Verwendung, Angebot und Nachfrage (Jochen Drescher)
- Towards sustainable oil palm - is agroforestry a solution (Clara Zemp)
- Unbekannte Unterwelt (Dorothee Sandmann)
- Übersicht über das EFForTS Projekt (Katja Rembold)
- EFForTS: Hintergrund Indonesien (Jochen Drescher)
- EFForTS: Der wissenschaftliche Ansatz (Jochen Drescher)
- EFForTS: Resultate und Erkenntnisse (Jochen Drescher)
- Entwicklung der Landnutzung in Jambi von 1990-2013 (Kira Urban)
- Feuer in Jambi, Indonesien (Siria Biagioni and Kira Urban)
- Forschung zu Bioklimatologie in Ölpalmplantagen (Mattia Bonazza)
- Stabile Isotope zur Erforschung des Klimas in Ölpalmplantagen (Mattia Bonazza)
- Invasive Pflanzen - von der Gartenzierde zum Gartenflüchtling (Katja Rembold)
- Globale Preisentwicklung und Einkommen von Kleinbauern (Christoph Kubitza)
- Produktion und Verarbeitung von Naturkautschuk (Barbara Wick)
- Produktion und Verarbeitung von Palmöl (Barbara Wick)
- Wasserknappheit in den Tropen (Jennifer Merten)
4th Night of Science at University of Göttingen, January 26, 2019
EFForTS presented its research activities at the 3rd Night of Science at the University of Göttingen which took place on 21 January 2017. About 25.000 visitors attended this event.
Themes & activities and people involved:
1. Expositions
- Cultural corner / Jambi, Indonesia (Ella Sujarwo, Gannady Girsang, Nadia Afifah, Rahmi Ariani, Angga Emzar, Cahya Najmudinrohman)
- Collection of daily products (food and cosmetics) containing palm oil or rubber
- Forest products (sugar cane, rattan, medicinal, fruits) (Siria Biagioni)
- Photo gallery from Jambi depicting the work of the EFForTS researchers and students in Jambi and snapshots from the different land-use systems.
- Ant specimens from the rainforest canopy (Jochen Drescher)
- Honey samples from rainforest and agricultural landuse containing pollen (Siria Biagioni)
- Guessing game / interactive multiple choice quiz representing groups A, B, C (Katja Rembold, Nina Hennings, Fenna Otten)
- Memory game (ants, oil palm) (Jochen Drescher)
- Puzzles (ants) (Jochen Drescher)
- Interactive socio-economic questionnaire: "Vergleichen Sie sich mit einem durchschnittlichen Farmer aus Indonesien (Provinz Jambi)" / „Compare yourself with an average farmer from Indonesia (Christoph Kubitza).

- Übersicht über das EFForTS Projekt (Katja Rembold)
- EFForTS: Hintergrund Indonesien (Jochen Drescher)
- EFForTS: Der wissenschaftliche Ansatz (Jochen Drescher)
- EFForTS: Resultate und Erkenntnisse (Jochen Drescher)
- Entwicklung der Landnutzung in Jambi von 1990-2013 (Kira Urban)
- Feuer in Jambi, Indonesien (Siria Biagioni and Kira Urban)
- Forschung zu Bioklimatologie in Ölpalmplantagen (Mattia Bonazza)
- Stabile Isotope zur Erforschung des Klimas in Ölpalmplantagen (Mattia Bonazza)
- Invasive Pflanzen - von der Gartenzierde zum Gartenflüchtling (Katja Rembold)
- Globale Preisentwicklung und Einkommen von Kleinbauern (Christoph Kubitza)
- Produktion und Verarbeitung von Naturkautschuk (Barbara Wick)
- Produktion und Verarbeitung von Palmöl (Barbara Wick)
- Wasserknappheit in den Tropen (Jennifer Merten)
Palmöl: Mehr Fluch als Segen? (RBB-fernsehen, SUPER.MARKT, 16.05.2022
Impressions from the Landscape Assessment (Z02)
Oil palm farming and tree planting activities (C08)