Dr. Christian Reimer
Aktuelle Forschung und Projekte
Post-DocMitgliedschaft in wissenschaftlichen Vereinigungen
- Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Zuechtungskunde (DGfZ)
Promotion- Titel der Promotion "Sequence-Based Analyses of the Goettingen Minipig Genome"
- Schwerpunkt: Nutztierwissenschaften
- Titel der Masterarbeit: Möglichkeiten der genomischen Selektion in kleinen Rassen am Beispiel Gelbvieh
- Schwerpunkt: Nutztierwissenschaften
- Titel der Bachelorarbeit: Einflussfaktoren auf die Fruchtbarkeitsleistung von Mutterschafen in Thüringen
- Quantitativ-genetische Methoden der Tierzucht
- Quantitative genetics and population genetics
- Breeding schemes
- Selection theory, design and optimisation of breeding programs
- Nutztierzüchtung
- Reimer, C., Rubin, C.-J., Weigend, S., Waldmann, K.-H., Distl, O., Simianer, H. (2014) The Minipig Genome Harbors Regions of Selection for Growth. Proceedings, 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver, Kanada
- Gholami, M., Reimer, C., Erbe, M., Preisinger, R., Weigend, A., Weigend, S., Servin, B., Simianer, H. (2015) Genome Scan for Selection in Structured Layer Chicken Populations Exploiting Linkage Disequilibrium Information. PLOS One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130497.
- Ni, G., Strom, T.M., Pausch, H., Reimer, C., Preisinger, R., Simianer, H., Erbe, M. (2015) Comparison among three variant callers and assessment of the accuracy of imputation from SNP array data to whole-genome sequence level in chicken. BMC Genom., 16:824, doi:10.1186/s12864-015-2059-2.
- Ha, N.T. Drögemüller, C., Reimer, C., Schitz-Hsu, F., Bruckmaier, R.M., Simianer, H., Gross, J.J. (2017) Liver transcriptome analysis reveals important factors involved in the metabolic adaptation of the transition cow. J Dairy Sci. doi: 10.3168/jds.2016-12454.
- Malomane, D.K., Reimer, C., Weigend, S., Weigend, A., Simianer, H. (2018) Efficiency of different strategies to mitigate ascertainment bias when using SNP panels in diversity studies. BMC Genomics.
- Reimer, C., Ha, N.-T., Sharifi, A.R, Weigend, S., Geibel, J., H. Simianer, H. (2018) Analyses of the breed integrity of the Goettingen Minipig using pool-sequencing. Proceedings, 11th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Geibel, J., Weigend, S., Weigend, A., Reimer, C., Pook, T., Simianer, H. (2018) Array Design and SNP Ascertainment Bias. Proceedings, 11th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Malomane, D.K., Reimer, C., Weigend, S., Weigend, A., Simianer, H (2018). The contribution of genomic regions to genetic variation in global chicken populations. Proceedings, 11th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Martini, J.W.R., Schrauf, M.F., Garcia-Baccino, C.A., Pimentel, E.C.G., Munilla, S., Rogberg-Munoz, A., Cantet, R.J.C., Reimer, C., Gao, N., Wimmer, V., Simianer, H. (2018) The effect of the H^-1 scaling factors Tau and Omega on the structure of H in the single-step procedure. Genetics Selection Evolution 50: 16.
- Cardoso, D.F., Albuquerque, L.G., Reimer, C., Qanbari, S., Erbe, M., Vieira do Nascimento, A., Venturini, G.C., Becker Scalez, D.C., Baldi, F., Camargo, M.F., Mercadente, M.E.Z., Goncalves Cyrillo, J.N., Simianer, H., Tonhati, H. (2018) Genome-wide scan reveals population stratification and footprints of recent selection in Nelore cattle. Genetics Selection Evolution 50: 22.
- Reimer, C., Rubin, C.-J., Sharifi, A.R., Ha, N.-T., Weigend, S., Waldmann, K.-H., Distl, O., Pant, S.D., Fredholm, M., Schlather, M., Simianer, H. (2018) Analysis of porcine body size variation using re-sequencing data of miniature and large pigs. BMC Genomics 19: 687.
- Malomane, D.K., Simianer, H., Weigend, A., Reimer, C., Schmitt, A.O., Weigend, S. (2019) The SYNBREED chicken diversity panel: A global resource to assess chicken diversity at high genomic resolution. BMC Genomics 20:345.
- Reimer, C., Ha, N.-T., Sharifi, A.R., Geibel, J., Mikkelsen, L.F., Schlather, M., Weigend, S., Simianer, H. (submitted to BMC Genetics) Assessing breed integrity of Göttingen Minipigs.