Dr. Edward Asiedu was a GlobalFood member from 2011-2014. The information on this site reflects the status at the point of leaving GlobalFood.

Occupation after leaving GlobalFood
Post-doctoral researcher, Passau University (since 09/2014)


Edward Asiedu


Doctoral Researcher ( Subproject C2: Collective Action and Incentives for Performance) / Ph.D. Student

Major research fields

  • Field Experiments, Behavioral Economics, Development Economics, Economics of crime and corruption, Economics of education, Gender and Small enterprise development, Public Economics

Other research interests

  • Impact of culture and history on Economic outcomes, Risk and Time Preferences, Agricultural Economics


  • Ph.D. Economics (April 2011 - September 2014), University of Göttingen, Germany, Thesis: Essays in Behavioral and Empirical Development Economics
    Research: RTG1666 “GlobalFood” SP C2: Collective action and social networks Supervisor: Prof Marcela Ibanez Diaz


a) Peer-reviewed publications or book chapters

  • Asiedu, E., T. Stengos (2014). An empirical estimation of the underground economy in Ghana. Economic Research International. DOI: 10.1155/2014/891237.

b) Other publications

  • Asiedu, E., (2014). Three essays in empirical and experimental development economics: Pro-social behavior, monitoring of development - Linked public goods and inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa. PhD thesis, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Göttingen.
  • Asiedu, E., M. Ibanez (2014). Are the elder more effective implementing punishment? Experimental evidence from urban Ghana. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 39. www.uni-goettingen.de/de/213486.html.
  • Asiedu, E., M. Ibanez (2014). The weaker sex? Gender differences in punishment across matrilineal and patriarchal societies. GlobalFood Discussion Paper 30. www.uni-goettingen.de/de/213486.html.