Development Aid (Master)
Dieses Seminar wird von Prof. Dr. Axel Dreher, Andreas Fuchs und Nicolás Corona Juárez gehalten.
Erstes Treffen:
Dienstag 14.April, 14.15-15.45, Theologicum – T01
Freitag 19.Juni, 08.00-18.00, Oeconomicum – OEC 1.163
Samstag 20.Juni, 08.00-18.00, Oeconomicum – OEC 1.163
Anmeldeschluss: Sontag 13.April 2009
Abmeldeschluss: Sontag 19.April 2009
Letzter Abgabetermin Hausarbeit: Sontag 14.Juni 2009, 23:59
I. Theories of Development Aid
II. Aid Allocation
III. Conditionality
IV. Debt relief as a form of development aid?
V. Easterly vs. Sachs: Alternative Routes for Development?
VI. Aid effectiveness
VII. Reasons for the ineffectiveness of aid
VIII. Reform proposals for a more effective delivery of aid
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