Dr. Monika Carlsson - Doktorandin bis 2018


Einfluss von Klimawandel auf
- Resistenz, Resilienz, Produktivität
- Futterqualität
- Biodiversität

von Grünland.


The influence of drought stress on yield and forage quality of grasslands differing in functional composition

Aktuelles Projekt:

Fodder production on permanent grassland in Lower Saxony under climate change - strategies for dealing with increasing variability of climatic factors

Subproject in research network 'Klimafolgenforschung - Szenarien für die Klimaanpassung' (KLIFF)

More information is available here http://www.kliff-niedersachsen.de.vweb5-test.gwdg.de


Carlsson, M., Merten, M., Kayser, M., Isselstein, J., & Wrage-Mönnig, N. (2017). Drought stress resistance and resilience of permanent grasslands are shaped by functional group composition and N fertilization. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 236, 52-60.